Marcus’s heart pounded as he stared at Kane, who lay on the ground, still smirking despite the severity of his injuries. The base was a wreck, flames and smoke filling the air, and the clock was ticking. But Kane had one final, horrifying surprise.

Kane’s voice, though weak, still carried a mocking tone. “You’re too late, Marcus. I’ve got a final card to play.”

“What do you mean?” Marcus demanded, his voice filled with urgency and anger.

“I’ve embedded a virus in the system. It’s programmed to activate the bioweapons if I die. You kill me, and millions will suffer.”

Marcus’s mind raced as he processed the chilling revelation. The virus could trigger the bioweapons and unleash chaos on a global scale. His grip tightened on his weapon, torn between his duty and the catastrophic consequences of his actions.

“You can’t be serious!” Thomas shouted, stepping closer to Marcus. “We need to find a way to stop this!”

Kane’s grin widened. “There’s no way out of this, Marcus. Either you let me live and risk everything, or you end my life and condemn millions to death.”

“We need to shut down the virus,” Marcus said, trying to maintain control. “Where’s the override?”

Kane chuckled. “You think I’m going to make it easy for you? The system is encrypted beyond your reach. I control the release of the bioweapons now.”

Thomas paced anxiously. “We need a new plan. If Kane’s telling the truth, we don’t have much time.”

Marcus took a deep breath, his mind churning. “Okay, Kane. I’m not letting you die and take everyone with you. But we’re not leaving here without a solution.”

Kane laughed bitterly. “You’re wasting your time. Even if you manage to find the override, it’s too late. The bioweapons are already in the final stages.”

Thomas looked around. “What about the technician who worked on the system? Maybe they know how to disable the virus.”

Marcus nodded. “Good idea. Let’s find them.”

They hurried through the burning corridors of the base, searching for any signs of the technician. The heat was intense, and smoke filled the air, making it difficult to see.

“This way!” Thomas shouted, pointing to a nearby office. “We should check in there.”

Inside the office, they found a technician huddled in fear. “Please, don’t hurt me! I’m just an employee.”

“We’re not here to hurt you,” Marcus said urgently. “We need your help. Kane has embedded a virus that could release bioweapons if he dies. Do you know how to stop it?”

The technician’s eyes widened in terror. “I’ve heard about the virus. It’s complicated, but there’s a control panel in the main server room. It might have an override option.”

“Where’s the server room?” Thomas asked, trying to keep the technician calm.

“It’s on the lower level. Follow the emergency exit signs. But be careful. The system is on lockdown,” the technician warned.

“We’ll be quick,” Marcus said, pulling Thomas toward the exit. “We need to get to the server room and find that control panel.”

They raced through the facility, the urgency driving them forward. The flames and smoke made the journey treacherous, but they pressed on, determined to find the override.

Finally, they reached the lower level and located the server room. The door was locked, and a complex security system guarded it.

“We need to get this open,” Marcus said, examining the door. “There must be a way to bypass the security.”

Thomas looked around. “There’s a panel here. Maybe we can hack it or find a way to disable the lock.”

Marcus tried to access the panel, but it was heavily encrypted. “It’s no use. We need the technician’s help.”

The technician appeared, breathless but determined. “I’ll try to bypass the security. Just cover me.”

As the technician worked on the panel, Marcus and Thomas kept watch. The tension in the room was palpable, each second feeling like an eternity.

“Hurry up!” Marcus urged. “We don’t have much time before the virus activates the bioweapons!”

The technician worked frantically, sweat pouring down their face. Finally, with a beep, the door slid open.

“We’re in!” the technician said, stumbling inside.

The room was filled with complex machinery and screens. Marcus and Thomas quickly began searching for the control panel.

“It should be here somewhere,” Marcus said, scanning the room.

“Look for anything that might resemble an override system,” Thomas suggested.

Amidst the equipment, they found a terminal with several options. The technician began to work on it, trying to find the override.

“I think I’ve got it,” the technician said, typing rapidly. “I just need to enter the master code.”

“Do it!” Marcus urged, watching the screens with bated breath.

The terminal beeped, and the screen displayed a message: “Virus Deactivation in Progress.”

“It’s working!” the technician said, relief evident in their voice.

But before they could celebrate, the room shook violently. The base was collapsing, and alarms blared.

“What’s happening?” Thomas shouted over the noise.

“The system’s failing! We need to get out of here now!” Marcus said, grabbing Thomas and the technician.

They raced out of the server room, the facility crumbling around them. The emergency exit lights flickered as they made their way through the chaos.

“This way!” Marcus shouted, guiding them toward the exit.

Just as they reached the outside, the base exploded in a massive fireball, throwing them to the ground.

“Is everyone okay?” Marcus asked, struggling to get up.

“We’re alive, but barely,” Thomas said, helping the technician to their feet.

The explosion had left a massive crater where the base once stood. Smoke and debris filled the air, and the shockwave had knocked them off their feet.

“We did it,” Marcus said, panting heavily. “We stopped the virus, but Kane got away.”

“And there’s still the matter of his plans. We need to find him and make sure he doesn’t have any more surprises up his sleeve,” Thomas said.

“We need to regroup and assess our next steps. The fight isn’t over yet,” Marcus said, determination in his voice.

As they surveyed the destruction, a chilling thought crossed Marcus’s mind. Kane’s escape meant that he was still out there, and his plans might still be in motion.

“We have to keep moving,” Marcus said firmly. “There’s no time to waste. We need to stay ahead of Kane and prevent any further disasters.”

“Agreed,” Thomas said. “Let’s get back to HQ and plan our next move.”

They made their way back to their safe house, their minds filled with the gravity of their situation. The battle was far from over, and Kane’s plans were still a threat.

What other dangers awaited them, and would they be able to stop Kane before it was too late? The fight against the looming threat had just begun, and the stakes had never been higher.

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