The lights flickered out, leaving Marcus and his team in pitch-black darkness. Alarms wailed in the distance, and the air was thick with tension.

Jackson, panting: "What just happened? Did we stop the virus?"

Marcus, eyes scanning the dark room: "No… this isn’t over. Kane had something else planned."

Agent Hall, frantically tapping his scanner: "System’s completely down. No power, no network. It’s like the whole base went offline."

Marcus clenched his jaw. "That’s exactly what he wanted."

Suddenly, a low rumble echoed through the walls.

Jackson, nervously: "What the hell is that?"

Marcus, adrenaline kicking in: "Move! Everyone, get out now!"

They sprinted down the narrow corridor, the ground shaking beneath their feet. Behind them, the sound of metal grinding against metal grew louder.

Agent Hall, shouting over the noise: "Something’s collapsing!"

Marcus pushed ahead, leading the team. "It’s not the base! Kane’s activated something—some kind of weapon!"

Jackson glanced over his shoulder as part of the ceiling caved in. "We’re gonna get buried alive in here!"

Marcus, coldly: "Not if we make it out first."

They turned a corner, only to be met by a squad of heavily armed guards standing in their path.

Jackson, raising his rifle: "Looks like Kane’s not done yet!"

Marcus raised his hand, stopping Jackson. "No guns. We take them down silently."

Jackson blinked, confused: "What? We don’t have time for—"

Marcus cut him off, charging toward the guards with lightning speed. Before Jackson could react, Marcus had already disarmed two of them, sending them crashing to the ground with brutal precision.

Agent Hall, awed: "Since when did Marcus move like that?"

Jackson, still stunned: "Whatever happened to him, it’s not just skill anymore."

Marcus, finishing off the last guard with a swift punch: "Keep moving!"

They rushed deeper into the base, the rumbling intensifying with each step. Marcus led them through a maze of corridors, every turn more chaotic than the last. The walls seemed to pulse with energy, and the very air buzzed with danger.

Jackson, panting heavily: "Where’s Kane? We need to finish him before this whole place collapses!"

Marcus, voice steady: "He’ll show himself. He always does."

Suddenly, the rumble ceased. A chilling silence fell over the base, followed by the sound of slow, deliberate footsteps echoing down the hallway.

Kane’s voice, calm and mocking: "Running already, Marcus? I thought you liked a challenge."

Marcus spun around, eyes narrowing. "You should’ve stayed gone, Kane."

Kane stepped out of the shadows, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Gone? Oh, Marcus, I’ve only just begun."

Jackson, pointing his rifle at Kane: "Drop whatever you’re planning, Kane. We’re ending this now."

Kane smirked, unfazed by the weapon aimed at him. "Ending? You’re too late. The virus was only the first step."

Marcus, stepping forward: "What are you talking about?"

Kane's grin widened. "You really don’t get it, do you? The virus wasn’t designed to kill. It was designed to evolve. Right now, it’s spreading through every system on the planet, rewriting code, unlocking doors that should’ve stayed shut. I’m creating a new world, Marcus. One where only the strong survive."

Jackson, fuming: "You’re insane!"

Kane, calmly: "Am I? Or am I the only one who sees the truth?"

Marcus, voice low and dangerous: "You won’t get away with this."

Kane tilted his head. "Who’s going to stop me? You? Look at you, Marcus. You’re not even human anymore."

Before Marcus could respond, Kane raised his hand, and the ground beneath them began to crack. The walls shuddered violently, and the air hummed with power.

Agent Hall, panicking: "What’s happening?!"

Kane, laughing: "The system’s awakening. The base was never just a weapons facility. It’s alive."

Marcus, gritting his teeth: "Enough. We end this now."

Without warning, Marcus charged at Kane, his movements a blur. Kane barely had time to react before Marcus was upon him, delivering a flurry of punches that sent Kane reeling.

Kane, spitting blood, grinned: "Impressive, Marcus. But not enough."

With a swift motion, Kane activated a device on his wrist, and a surge of energy exploded from him, throwing Marcus backward into the wall.

Jackson, rushing to help Marcus: "Marcus! Are you okay?"

Marcus, standing slowly: "I’m fine. Stay back."

Kane, chuckling: "Still trying to be the hero, huh? You can’t win, Marcus. Not this time."

Marcus’s eyes glowed with determination. "We’ll see about that."

He leaped at Kane again, this time faster and stronger, his enhanced abilities pushing him to the limit. The two clashed in a brutal exchange of blows, each hit echoing through the crumbling base.

Kane, barely keeping up: "You’re stronger than I expected… but you’re still too late."

Marcus, delivering a powerful kick that sent Kane crashing to the ground: "Not if I stop you here."

Kane, coughing, wiped blood from his mouth. "Stop me? You can’t stop what’s already in motion."

Suddenly, the floor beneath them gave way, and both men plummeted into a lower level of the base.

Jackson, shouting: "Marcus!"

Agent Hall, looking down into the darkness: "We have to go after him!"

Marcus landed hard, rolling to his feet just as Kane stood up across from him.

Kane, breathing heavily: "This is the end, Marcus. One way or another."

Marcus, calmly: "You’re right."

The two lunged at each other again, fists flying, the sound of their battle drowned out by the crumbling base around them. Sparks flew as their fists collided, the sheer force of their strikes sending shockwaves through the room.

Kane, grinning through the pain: "You think you’re a hero, Marcus. But you’re just like me."

Marcus, voice cold: "I’m nothing like you."

With a final, devastating punch, Marcus sent Kane crashing into the control panel behind him. The lights flickered, and alarms blared as the base’s self-destruct sequence activated.

Kane, laughing weakly: "It’s too late. You can’t stop it now."

Marcus, stepping toward him: "Watch me."

He grabbed Kane by the collar, dragging him toward the exit. But as they reached the door, Kane twisted out of Marcus’s grip, pulling a detonator from his belt.

Kane, smiling darkly: "If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me."

Before Marcus could react, Kane pressed the button. The explosion was instant, the force of it ripping through the room.

Marcus was thrown back, slamming into the wall as the entire base began to collapse around him.

Agent Hall, shouting from above: "Marcus! We need to get out of here!"

Marcus, coughing as dust filled the air: "Go! Get the team out!"

Jackson, refusing: "Not without you!"

Marcus, struggling to stand: "I said go!"

But it was too late. The ceiling began to cave in, and the ground beneath them cracked open, swallowing everything in its path.

Marcus looked up one last time as the debris fell, his mind racing.

Kane's final words echoed in his head. "You can't stop it now."

The base collapsed entirely, leaving nothing but smoke and rubble in its wake. No one could see what had become of Marcus Reed.

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