l[Scene opens with an isolated location—rain drizzling on a secluded cabin in the woods.]

Sophie Reed: (Looking at an old photo of Marcus) "If only you were still here, Marcus... Things would have been different."

Her voice cracks as she pours another glass of wine. The sound of raindrops against the window fills the silence.

Harris: (Entering the room quietly) "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"

Sophie: (Wipes away a tear quickly, feigning strength) "No. I’ve moved on."

Harris:(Chuckles sarcastically) "Moved on? You’ve been living like a ghost, Sophie. It’s been five years."

Sophie:"Five years since I ruined everything, you mean."

Harris:"You didn’t ruin anything. You just made choices. We both did."

Sophie:(Bitterly) "Choices that led to his death."

She swirls the wine in her glass, eyes distant.

Harris:"He died a hero, Sophie. The world remembers him that way. You can't keep torturing yourself."

Sophie: "And what if I told you... I don’t think he’s dead?"

Harris freezes, his eyes narrowing.

Harris: "What are you talking about? You saw the reports. We attended the funeral, Sophie."

Sophie:"But... sometimes, at night, I feel like he’s watching me. Like he's out there... waiting."

Harris:"You need to stop with this. He’s gone, Sophie. You need to accept that."

Sophie clenches her fists, her face contorted with confusion and guilt.

Sophie:"But Harris, what if—"

Harris: (Angrily) "No. Enough. Marcus is dead. Let him stay dead."

Silence fills the room, the tension thick between them.

[Cut to a dark alleyway in the heart of the city, where a hooded figure moves in the shadows.]

Marcus Reed:(Internal monologue) "Five years... Five long years, and they think I’m gone. But I’ve been here. Watching. Waiting."

He walks past a homeless man, slipping him a few bills as he keeps moving, unseen by the city that once hailed him as a hero.

Marcus: (Grimly) *"Sophie... Harris... They think I died. But they’ll know soon enough that ghosts don’t stay buried."

[Scene shifts to a high-rise office. A group of men in suits sit around a large table, discussing plans.]

Official 1:"Reed’s legacy is still the face of our military operations. The public loves a martyr."

Official 2:"Keep it that way. The last thing we need is any whispers of him still being alive. It’s better if he stays dead."

The men exchange uneasy glances.

Official 3:"Are you sure no one’s caught on?"

Official 1: "As far as they know, Reed’s death was a tragic accident on that mission."

Official 2: (Leaning forward, voice cold) "The truth stays buried. If Reed resurfaces... we’ll handle it. Like we always do."

[Back to Marcus, standing on a rooftop overlooking the city.]

Marcus: (To himself) *"They tried to kill me. But they failed. Now, it’s my turn."

His phone buzzes, and he checks a message. A name pops up—an old contact from his days in the military.

Old Contact (text):"We need to meet. I’ve got info on who’s behind everything. Same place, midnight."

Marcus: (Typing) "Understood. I’ll be there."

[Cut to Sophie’s home later that night. She’s lying in bed, restless, her mind replaying the night Marcus died.]

Sophie: (Muttering to herself) "Why can’t I let go?"

A sudden knock on the door breaks the silence. Sophie sits up, heart racing. She wasn’t expecting anyone this late.

Sophie: (Nervously) "Who... who’s there?"

No response.

Sophie: (Louder) "Who is it?"

Still no answer, but the knocking continues, more insistent now. She grabs a small kitchen knife for protection and cautiously approaches the door. Her hands shake as she grips the doorknob.

Sophie:"I swear, if this is some kind of joke..."

She swings the door open, ready for a confrontation, but no one is there.

Sophie: (Looking around) "What the hell?"

As she closes the door, she notices an envelope on the ground, just inside the doorway. It’s addressed to her, written in a familiar hand.

Sophie: (Whispering) "No... it can’t be..."

She tears the envelope open and pulls out a single sheet of paper. The handwriting is unmistakable.

Letter (Marcus’s handwriting):"I’m not dead. But you’ll wish I was. Marcus."

Sophie drops the letter, her hands trembling. Her breath quickens, and she stumbles back into the kitchen, her mind spinning.

Sophie: (Panicking) "No. No, no, no. This can’t be happening."

Her phone buzzes on the counter, startling her. It’s Harris.

Harris (on phone): "Sophie? You okay? You sound off."

Sophie: (Struggling to speak) "I... I got a letter."

Harris: "A letter? From who?"

Sophie: (Barely whispering) "Marcus."

There’s a long silence on the other end of the line.

Harris: (Finally) "That’s not possible."

Sophie: "I’m looking at it right now. His handwriting. His name. He’s... he’s not dead, Harris."

Harris: (Coldly) "It’s a trick, Sophie. Someone’s messing with you. Marcus is dead. You need to stop this."

Sophie: "But what if he’s not? What if—"

Harris: "Listen to me! He’s gone. Do not let this consume you again."

The call ends abruptly, leaving Sophie standing there, heart pounding, staring at the letter as if it might come to life.

[Cut to midnight, a dimly lit underground parking lot where Marcus meets his contact. The man, hooded and cautious, steps out of the shadows.]

Old Contact: "Marcus, you’re a hard man to find."

Marcus: "Not hard enough. What do you have for me?"

Old Contact: (Handing over a folder) "This is everything. The officials who betrayed you, the cover-up... and the truth about Sophie and Harris."

Marcus’s jaw clenches at the mention of Sophie.

Marcus: "They think they’ve gotten away with it."

Old Contact:"They’ve been lying for years, Marcus. But I knew you’d come back for answers."

Marcus:(Opening the folder) "It’s time to finish what they started."

As Marcus flips through the files, his eyes darken. He’s reading more than just betrayal—he’s reading his own death warrant, signed by people he once trusted.*

Old Contact:* "What’s your next move?"

Marcus: (Looking up, determination burning in his eyes) "I’m going to show them that the dead don’t stay dead for long."

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