Celebrated as a hero

"Yeah," Dave said as he opened his arms for an embrace.

"Where did you go?" She asked like a housewife.

"To the chief," Dave Replied.

"What for?" She asked again with her hands holding her waist.

"To discuss some things," Dave replied as he entered.

"What?" She asked again

“It suprise, wait till evening to find out," Dave answered as he entered his room. Lily was a chatterbox and he didn't have time to reply to all her questions.

Lily brought a meal of bread and eggs. She still had a frown on her face because of Dave not revealing the surprise.

After the hearty meal

“I will be going to the mercenary guild,” Dave said.

“But you just got back,” Lily complained.

“I know but it is important,” Dave said.

“You are acting strange these days, and it's after you woke up from that sleep,” Lily said with a pout.

“It's still me,” Dave said.

“No, the real you would stay with me and tell me funny stories. But this you is always busy going about and coming back wounded. It is scaring me,” Lily said with a shaky voice and tears in her eyes.

“I am sorry,” Dave said.

“But I am trying to remove the label of Shame from our lives. I know home may be boring since other kids bulky you. But I will try to create time to spend with you and also make you happy when I get back,” Dave said holding her hands.

“Are you sure?” Lily asked with a pitiful gaze.

“I promise,” Dave replied.

“Okay, you can go. But don't come back with any injuries. You are alone and I won't treat you,” She said as she left.

Dave chuckled at her childishness. “Finally, things are going as I had always imagined,” Dave said as he took a deep breath before getting up.

The mercenary guild was just a 10 minutes walk away from his house.

He received the normal disgusted stare from people as he walked pass them. He didn't take them to heart as he walked on.

“All this is coming to an end tonight. You all will look at me with admiration in your eyes,” Dave assured himself.

As he entered, he went to the shop department where a female receptionist attended to him.

“Good day sir,” She said with a professional smile.

“Hi,” Dave replied with a wave.

“What would you like to get? Weapons? Pills?” We have everything you need,” She said in a convincing tone.

“I would like to get some healing pills, and can I take a look at the weapon in your store, mine is getting weak,” Dave said.

“Sure follow me,” She said.

“First I would like to exchange a beast core for money,” Dave said.

“Sure follow me to the exchange area,” She said as she led him to a secluded area.

“It's safe here, you can bring it out,” She said.

Dave brought out a palm size crystal which was brimming with energy.

“A fire type beast core!” She exclaimed.

She took it and examined it. The more she looked at it the more astonished she felt.

“A level 9 beast core,” She said as she looked at Dave with shocked evidence in her eyes. The 1kg weight of the beast core suddenly felt so heavy due to shock that it almost fell.

“Yes,” Dave said with a gentle nod.

“How much can I get for the exchange?”Dave asked.

“10,000 silver coins,” She said as she carried the beast core with much care.

“That good,” Dave said with a smile.

“But we do have that much cash in our hands, we will give you a card which shows your ownership and how much the mercenary guild is owing you,” She said as she quickly left and returned with a black card. In them a bold 10,000 silver coin was written.

“Okay, so can we get back to the pill and weapon store,” Dave asked with a polite smile.

For some unknown reason Dave suddenly became so attractive to her. “He is so strong, a beast with threat level 9 didn't seem to faze him. Just who is he?” She asked herself.

She took Dave to the weapon store where he picked some pills and finally to the weapon store.

“Good that I saw you,” A familiar voice said.

Dave looked back and found out that it was Rowand. He knew Rowand was either here to mock him or complain about him being the leader. He continued walking forward following the receptionist.

“Hey I am talking to you,” Rowand said as he pulled Dave.

“Is this how you act to your leader?” Dave asked a bit furious by Rowand.

“Leader my foot, I will never accept trash like you to be my leader. I would rather die. The chief would realise that he picked wrong,” Rowand said angrily.

“Please if you have personal issues you can settle it outside here. We do not allow fights here,” The receptionist said with a defending look.

She looked at Rowand as if looking at the most stupid person she had seen today.

"The guy literally just brought out a beast core of a monster with threat level 9. Who could do that and you are here calling him a trash. Who is the trash here?" She thought Inwardly.

“You are defending a trash. Pathetic. I am sure he can't even afford to buy a single item here,” Rowand said with a mocking look.

Dave was tired by Rowand's consistent tantrums.

“You are going against the chief's decision and you are even questioning the chief's judgement. Don't you think you deserve to be punished?” Dave asked with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed.

“You are getting way over your head, do you think you can punish me?” Rowand said with a laugh.

“Okay, for that your two week allowance would be held,” Dave said with an authoritative look.

“Wait what? You can't do that,” Rowand said with a bit of a scared look.

“I just did, throw more tantrums and you will suffer more,” Dave said.

Rowand looked at him as if he just saw a ghost.

“What happened? Where is the usual timid and easily frightened Dave who is easy to bully?” Rowand asked himself inwardly.

“Something about him has changed but he couldn't pinpoint where exactly. He looked at Dave almost as if he saw a ghost.

He left Dave and the receptionist angrily.

“Don't mind the disturbance, you can continue,” Dave said with a warm smile.

“Uhm, okay,” She agreed.

Dave bought two healing pills and a level four sword after depositing the beast core and collecting the sum of 10,000 silver coins.

The cost of the sword and pill were 750 silver coins. He turned rich overnight.

In the evening, the whole villagers, who were about 500 individuals, gathered after they were summoned by the chief.

Dave was celebrated as a hero for slaying a monster with a threat level so high.

“So this was the surprise big brother Dave,” Lily said with a smile pasted on her face.

“Yeah, are you surprised?” Dave asked.

“A bit, you had already promised me you would become a hero,” Lily said.

“Yeah, and I kept my promise,” Dave said.

“You should join the party and have fun. There is a lot to eat,” Dave said, encouraging her to free herself. He knew Lily is a shy person and hardly made friends.

“Okay,” She said as she ran off.

“Ding: Host system detected a 40 percent malicious intent from Rowand,” The system voice said.

Dave looked at the direction and found Rowand giving him a death glare.

“Don't bother about him, he can't hurt me,” Dave said assuredly.

“Okay, Rowand removed from threat notification,” The system said.

“Enjoy the glory you didn't deserve as much as you want. In a real battle your weakness will surely be obvious,” Rowand thought as he left.

"Despicable and shameless," Rowand thought with a self-righteous look.

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