All Chapters of Dungeon Raid: Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 chapters
Dave's heart raced as he walked through the street littered with a pile of dead bodies. He wore a torn clothes while carrying his 1 year old sister in his arms. Tears filled his sea blue eyes as he tried to locate the bodies of his parents in the pile of dead bodies. He was dressed in a white shirt and black trousers. He had beautiful features like his ink dark hair, blue crystal eyes and fair skin. It happened so fast, the space itself torn and monsters spilled in. His village was the first to suffer the painful fate. It was pure massacre a d complete chaos.The air filled with the screams of people who were devoured by strange monsters who came out of nowhere. It had all happened so fast the attack from the monsters was in the middle of the night and it caught the villagers off guard. One moment he was sleeping peacefully and the next his parents suddenly rushed into the room and woke him up. They told him to carry his little sister and head to the basement underneath the ho
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System Awakening
"Hey get back," Micheal said as he pushed Dave to a corner before spreading his hands open. His hands began to glow with white light. The strike which was about to hit him lost its target and hit the rock beside them. The snake hissed loudly in annoyance as it strikes with its head baring its long corrosive fangs.Dave recovered from the push and steadied himself, he looked at Micheal in awe. He seemed in control of the battlefield but in reality he was at a loss. He had the skill of telekinesis where he moves things with his mind. But moving something this big almost gave him a black out. Dave stood there clenching his sword tightly, he didn't even know where to start from and he felt his presence there was ignored and useless. Despite his best efforts, Dave found himself struggling to keep up with Micheal's prowess. While Micheal fought the creatures with telekinetic blasts, Dave's sword strikes felt clumsy and ineffective in comparison. Each swing of his blade seemed to mis
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What are these words? I have never seen such language before and it wasn't even there," Dave said. "The message is beyond your comprehension right now. You are too weak to know about it," The system said. Dave suddenly felt insulted, too weak was a name that had stuck to him and hearing it again felt annoying. "My apologies if I had indirectly hurt you host," The system apologised. "Can you sense my emotions?" Dave asked, perplexed by the system's timely apology. "We are connected by soul, I can feel your emotions and even your thoughts," The system said. "What? My thoughts, then I will have no privacy," Dave said with wide eyes. "You can disable this feature anytime you like. But it was just for you to communicate with me even in public," The system said. "Oh okay then, you can keep it on them," Dave said. "But you still haven't told me, how did you get into the necklace? What is special about it and what created you?" Dave asked questions after questions. "I am sorry, I
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Becoming A suspect
Lily manages to calm herself down."I won't die that easily," Dave said as he tickled her, making her laugh out loud."Now we are even right?" Dave asked."Yes," Lily said with a smile as she wiped her tears."I almost forgot, the commander said I should inform him the moment you woke up. He said he has something to discuss with you," Lily said."The commander? I am just a useless member of the group and the commander is known as a high class individual, what could he want from me?" Dave thought inwardly."But it doesn't seem like they are around, I heard a dungeon was open yesterday?" Lily said."Yesterday? Two dungeons in a day?" Dave asked with shock in his eyes."No brother, it not two dungeons appeared in a day. You were unconscious for two days," Lily said."Two days, that's a lot," Dave said with a shocked look."Okay, thanks for looking out for me during these days. But can you leave me alone for sometime and inform me when the commander arrives," Dave said."Okay, you must be
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Life And Death Battle
Oh, we got another mission. I will go now to get prepared. And whatever the strange energy was, if you have a clue about it feel free to reach out to me," Commander Jack said as he stood up. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Dave breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Jack hadn't pressed further. "Thank you, Commander. I appreciate it." "You again? Are you this thick skin?" Rowand asked with a mocking tone as Dave came to the mercenary guild. "The way you fainted shamelessly at the battlefield didn't teach you any sense, are you that willing to die?" Rowand asked. "Rowand, get back to line,” Commander Jack said in a cold tone. “Sorry commander but he will just be a blocking stone to success. We haven't been able to complete a mission. If this goes wrong again we could get kicked out of the mercenary guild. Commander Jack had a thoughtful expression for a moment. He knew what Rowan said was true. They had only completed one mission and it was cleared b
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Level up
"Again, Iron fist," Dave said as the monster struck him with its tentacles. It deflected his attack but the tentacles still strike forward making Dave dodge to evade the fatal strike. "What," Dave thought with wide eyes. He just saw the flash of death. This wasn't his first life and death battle, but looking around he had no one but himself to save him. He knew now he could not run away, the monster had taken him as a target, its red flames burning more brightly indicating its furiousness. "Did I make a mistake coming out?" Dave thought as he dodge another strike in the nick of time. “System, how long do I have left?" Dave asked, breathing heavily. The surrounding was in chaos. "Where is the help that is coming?" Dave thought inwardly. "You have approximately 6 minutes and 43 seconds left," The system said. "That's too low, I need to end this soon," Dave thought monetarily, forgetting the fight. "Iron fist," Dave yelled but he was a few seconds late. The tentacles struck
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Unworthy Bastard
"Wait, you are supposed to be weak. Where is the strength coming from" He asked as he felt scared and shocked. "The desire to send you to hell," Dave said. "Iron fist," He struck his hands in the air which solidified into a fist. Now commander Jack now clearly saw the fist, it was over a metre long and its speed was astonishing. "Turtle shell," Commander Jack said as he swiftly recovered from the shock with his survival instinct alert. He quickly activated a hidden amour with him in a fluid motion. "Crack," The green shell that which covered like a forcefield cracked by the impact of the punch. He also wasn't a weakling and he possessed some fighting ornaments. "You are not supposed to be able to fight, you would die if you think you can kill me," Commander Jack said, trying to bring down his morale. "As long as you are alive, I can always have the strength," Dave said.His life been treated as a toy angered him. First the commander left him all alone to fight the beast
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Forming Alliance
We should be asking you the same question, both you and the commander went together. We see you okay but the commander was killed by the monster. I knew that we shouldn't have allowed the commander to go with you, you are nothing more than a burden," Rowand said angrily. Dave felt pissed but he remained calm. "What do you mean? The commander separated with me saying we would search the area if we split up," Dave said. "That is not necessary, we need to take the commander to the village leader now," Fred said. Dave followed them to the village leader. *****At the village leader district**"" "Who can tell me what really happened," Chief Damien, a handsome middle aged man sitting on a throne asked , looking at the body of Commander Jack. His eagle eyes scanned everyone. Rowand stepped forward. "My respect to chief Damien The last person who saw commander Jack before he died was Dave Cole, a member of our team," Rowand said with a respectful tone as he bowed slightly. Everyone
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Celebrated as a hero
"Yeah," Dave said as he opened his arms for an embrace. "Where did you go?" She asked like a housewife. "To the chief," Dave Replied. "What for?" She asked again with her hands holding her waist. "To discuss some things," Dave replied as he entered. "What?" She asked again “It suprise, wait till evening to find out," Dave answered as he entered his room. Lily was a chatterbox and he didn't have time to reply to all her questions. Lily brought a meal of bread and eggs. She still had a frown on her face because of Dave not revealing the surprise. After the hearty meal “I will be going to the mercenary guild,” Dave said. “But you just got back,” Lily complained. “I know but it is important,” Dave said. “You are acting strange these days, and it's after you woke up from that sleep,” Lily said with a pout. “It's still me,” Dave said. “No, the real you would stay with me and tell me funny stories. But this you is always busy going about and coming back wounded.
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