Level up

"Again, Iron fist," Dave said as the monster struck him with its tentacles. It deflected his attack but the tentacles still strike forward making Dave dodge to evade the fatal strike.

"What," Dave thought with wide eyes. He just saw the flash of death. This wasn't his first life and death battle, but looking around he had no one but himself to save him. He knew now he could not run away, the monster had taken him as a target, its red flames burning more brightly indicating its furiousness.

"Did I make a mistake coming out?" Dave thought as he dodge another strike in the nick of time.

“System, how long do I have left?" Dave asked, breathing heavily. The surrounding was in chaos.

"Where is the help that is coming?" Dave thought inwardly.

"You have approximately 6 minutes and 43 seconds left," The system said.

"That's too low, I need to end this soon," Dave thought monetarily, forgetting the fight.

"Iron fist," Dave yelled but he was a few seconds late. The tentacles struck him with a heavy blow. Even though most of the impact was absorbed the remaining force was still too powerful for his fragile body.

"Pfffft," he spat out blood while trying to balance himself.

"Ding, host is in danger, health points is 5 out of 10. You need to leave this place now," The system warned.

It wasn't that he didn't want to run, it was that he couldn't. The monster had block all the exit. The only way to get out is to kill it.

The strike gave him some internal injuries.

"Healing skill activated," The system said and his injuries seemed to respond as the mark of the strike on his hands began to heal at a fast pace but the internal injuries were very slow.

"You have this feature?" Dave asked, a bit surprised.

"Yes host, but it is at it weakest. so the effect is very slow," The system said.

"I need to do something fast to change the tide system . Where is the weak spot?" Dave asked.

"Ding: Analysing monster..."

"Scanning complete: Its eyes and its stomach," The system said.

"Good," Dave said as he stood up and wiped the blood stains on his mouth.

Now it's your turn to suffer Dave said as his gaze became sharp.

He moved closer to the monster since a long range attack would give the monster time to block the attack.

"Iron fist," Dave said as he launched an attack at its head and stomach at the same time.

"Boom," As predicted it blocked it with its eight tentacles.

"Again," Dave yelled louder. Moving closer to it.

"Screech," It made a high pitched noise and spat out a mouthful of stinky saliva which made Adrian cover his eyes while dodging.

As the saliva touched the ground it seemed to melt it.

"Warning, you have only 1 minute left," The system voice rang out.

"Come at me," Adrian said as he opened his hands widely.

Thinking that it meant defeat, the monster strike with its tentacles at him .

"Perfect," Dave said with a grin on his face, seeing that the monster had taken bait to his trap.

He quickly moved to the side to dodge the incoming wave of attack.

"Double Iron fist," Dave said as he strike with both his hands. Seeing it was in danger the monster tried to dodge but its huge body made it slow, the strike created a hole on its heart and head.

"Boom," It fell flat on the floor.

"Skill deactivated," The system voice said and Dave felt the strength left him.

"It's finally over," Dave thought as he felt a sudden rush of weakness. He struggled to keep his consciousness.

"How do I absorb it?" Dave asked.

"Stretch your hands to it," The system said.

Dave did as he was told, a halo of white light came out from his hands. It connected to the massive body of the monster.

"Absorbing started," The system voice said and Dave felt his body get energised and strengthened.

As the black energy from the monster met with the white light it got purified Changing it colour.

"Ding, host has met the energy needed to level up. Congratulations host you have levelled up to a 2 star copper grade talent,"

"Ding, host has met the energy for levelling up. Congratulations host you have levelled up to a three star copper grade talent,"

"Congratulations, host is now a copper four talent," The system voice said the notification but Dave just closed his eyes enjoying the major upgrade.

The notification didn't stop till it reaches first star bronze grade talent.

"God's eyes upgraded," the system said.

"Ding: Showing host status.

Name: Adrian Cole

Race: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male


- Health Points (HP): 10

- Speed: 3

- Agility: 4

Talent level: First star bronze grade

Skill: God's eye vision

Fame: 2

Energy: 1,000 needed for next upgrade

Supreme coins: None

Title: Beast slayer

Bloodline: Locked

Legacy: Locked

Weapon: None

Resistance to fire: 10


Mission: None

"Let's get out of here," Dave said as he staggered to leave.

"I knew it, you about it," Commander Jack said, coming out from a tree he had been hiding.

Dave stared at him with an angry gaze. He continued walking away from him feeling disgusted by his coveted look.

"Give the power to me and the beast core and I will let you have a peaceful death," Commander Jack said, looking at Dave with a sadistic smile.

"Death? Ha haha. I killed the beast I can kill you with a snap of my finger," Dave said looking at him with a murderous gaze.

"Snap of your finger? Maybe when you are at your prime but not now when you are still suffering from severe backlash," The commander said, sensing his weakness and wavering footsteps.

Dave is already weak and the harsh heat wasn't helping either. It only made matters worse.

"I will say it now, give it to me and die peacefully. Trust me you don't want to see me get shaddy," Commander Jack said with an evil grin on the corner of his lips.

"System, I don't care about the sacrifice I have to pay. Give me the power one more time just enough to kill him," Dave said with anger flaring in his eyes. He couldn't believe the person he looked up to was a schemer who wanted to not only take his hard work that he almost died for but also kill him to silence him.

"Done, You have the iron fist for 2 minutes at most. Know that it will take a longer period for your recovery.

"I don't care. Give it to me, I want to wipe that annoying smile off his face," Dave said, clenching his fist tightly.

"Ding: Host has received the skill once more," The system notification rang in his ears.

"Ahhhh," Dave shouted loudly as his weak body assimilated the energy. He felt his body ache in pain.

"Don't push yourself too hard you would only make yourself suffer more," Commander Jack said as he chuckled slightly.

"God's Eyes activated," The system said. Dave's eyes glowed with bright green flames shocking Commander Jack.

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