Unworthy Bastard

"Wait, you are supposed to be weak. Where is the strength coming from" He asked as he felt scared and shocked.

"The desire to send you to hell," Dave said.

"Iron fist," He struck his hands in the air which solidified into a fist.

Now commander Jack now clearly saw the fist, it was over a metre long and its speed was astonishing.

"Turtle shell," Commander Jack said as he swiftly recovered from the shock with his survival instinct alert. He quickly activated a hidden amour with him in a fluid motion.

"Crack," The green shell that which covered like a forcefield cracked by the impact of the punch.

He also wasn't a weakling and he possessed some fighting ornaments.

"You are not supposed to be able to fight, you would die if you think you can kill me," Commander Jack said, trying to bring down his morale.

"As long as you are alive, I can always have the strength," Dave said.

His life been treated as a toy angered him. First the commander left him all alone to fight the beast, and now that he had manage to kill it. The commander wants to take his credit and even wanted to kill him to burry the secret.

It disgraceful when the perso you look up to is nothing more than a bully.

"Think again, let me show you my full strength. Commander Jack said as he stopped Dave's next strike with his bare hand.

"No one but the village leader knew about my talent. I have the talent of regeneration. No matter how hard you try I can recover. I am actually immortal, give up now," Commander Jack said with a hysterical laugh.

"There is no such thing as immortal," Dave said.

"System, give me what I can use in killing him," Dave said keeping eye contact with commander Jack.

"You can use your newly possessed skill. Hell fire," The system replied.

"I have a new skill?" Dave asked.

"Yes, the one you got from the monster," The system replied.

"Thank you for that system," Dave said with a smile.

"It is my duty to protect the host," The system said.

"What? Gone mad from realising you are prone to lose," Commander Jack said.

"I am not going to die, you are," Dave said.

"Are you that dumb? I am immortal, I can't die," Commander Jack said.

"Yes you are," Dave said as he opened his right palm. He felt his energy flow and concentrated on his index finger.

"Hell Fire," Dave said as he pointed at him. A small flicker of flame shot out from it.

"You are hilarious this small fire can't even burn my armour," Commander Jack said as he opened his arms wide open.

As the flame got closer it started to grow wide, absorbing the fire energy from the surrounding, making the temperature of the dungeon rise sharply.

"Wait, something seems wrong," Commande Jack thought, sensing the danger.

He felt the energy of the whole dungeon against him. "Turtle shell," He tried to block the impact and have the chance to run but the forcefield melted upon touching the wild flames.

"I take back what I said, please don't kill me," Commander Jack yelled as his whole body was engulfed in flames. He tried as much to extinguish the flames but to no avail

"You can't kill your fellow member," Commander Jack yelled louder with his last strength before he collapsed on the floor.

"Ding: Congratulations host on levelling up. You are now a 2 star bronze grade talent"

"Ding: Congratulations host on levelling up, you are now a 3 star bronze grade talent," The system notification rang in his ears.

DAVE felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. He felt power drained. With his last bit of energy he used it to evacuate from the dungeon to the village.

He staggered as he walked with only his legs awake. He held tightly to the beast core almost as if someone would steal it if he wasn't careful.

With the beast core he could prove about the killing of the beast and get cash rewards from the mercenary guild.

His clothes were torn from the two consecutive fights.

"Brother," Lily's soft voice called out as soon as she saw Dave walking into the village.

"What happened?" She asked as she rushed towards him.

"Don't touch me, you will get burnt," Dave said, stopping her.

She couldn't touch him due to the hot heat that came out from him. He looks as if he was roasted.

"Water...... I need.... Water," He said in a dry voice.

"Please come inside," Lily said as she helped him in not minding his consistent warning.

She filled the bathtub with cold water and helped him get half dressed.

Dave wearing nothing but his underwear entered the bathtub which boiled. He knew the heat was coming from him due to the hell energy he used.

"System, what happened to me?" Dave asked.

"You lack poor control of the energy. Instead of concentrating on one point, some residual energy spreads to other parts of your body. Your health is currently in danger," The system said.

"So what can you do?" Dave asked.

"The system healing skill has already been activated but it would take some time to cool your body into its normal temperature," The system said.

********After Few hours*********

Dave woke up, the bathtub which was filled with water was dried.

He felt refreshed and cool.

"What is my status?" Dave asked.

"Showing host status,"

Name: Adrian Cole

Race: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male


- Health Points (HP): 4

- Speed: 3

- Agility: 4

Talent level: First star bronze grade

Skill: God's eye vision (second level weak)

Hell Fire (first level weak)

Regeneration (first level Weak)

Fame: 2

Energy: 5,000 needed for next upgrade

Supreme coins: 20

Title: Beast slayer

Bloodline: Locked

Legacy: Locked

Weapon: None

Resistance to fire: 10


Mission: None

"My health bar is still too low," Dave thought with a sigh.

"Yes, you feel okay now but you still have some internal injuries. It will take some time for you to return back to your prime," The system told Dave.

"Sad News Sad News Sad News," Micheal said as he rushed to the district of the village leader.

Dave quickly dressed and headed out.

He saw the rest of the group carrying the dead body of Commander Jack.

He hissed in irritation but he kept his face still. "what happened?" He asked as he followed them with a fake caring look.

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