Forming Alliance

We should be asking you the same question, both you and the commander went together. We see you okay but the commander was killed by the monster. I knew that we shouldn't have allowed the commander to go with you, you are nothing more than a burden," Rowand said angrily.

Dave felt pissed but he remained calm.

"What do you mean? The commander separated with me saying we would search the area if we split up," Dave said.

"That is not necessary, we need to take the commander to the village leader now," Fred said.

Dave followed them to the village leader.

*****At the village leader district**""

"Who can tell me what really happened," Chief Damien, a handsome middle aged man sitting on a throne asked , looking at the body of Commander Jack.

His eagle eyes scanned everyone.

Rowand stepped forward. "My respect to chief Damien The last person who saw commander Jack before he died was Dave Cole, a member of our team," Rowand said with a respectful tone as he bowed slightly.

Everyone's eyes turned towards Dave waiting for an explanation.

He stepped forward and like Rowand he bowed.

"It is true that the commander did pair up with me when we were in the dungeon. But I separated following his orders saying we will be able to locate the monster more quickly. In my path I saw the monster and was too weak to fight it. Just in time the commander came and rescued me. He told me to run back to the village and so I did. He even gave me protective armour. I was surprised to find his body,"Dave said, giving a reasonable but embarrassing answer.

They all looked at him with disgust, "Running away from a fight, what was more embarrassing for a man?"

"You did that?" Chief Damien asked.

"Yes chief," Dave replied, staring at the chief's eyes.

"Are you sure?" The chief asked with a sharp gaze which seemed to pierce into his soul.

"The next commander for the group is Dave, this meeting is over you all can go except Dave," The chief said. His words shocked everyone including Dave.

"Did the chief not hear what he said well?" Dave thought.

Everyone in the group showed a dissatisfied look at the chief sentence but they didn't show it.

Rowand felt as if he heard an hilarious joke, a weakling for the leader. "Is the chief short sighted?" He thought but he swallowed his thoughts and left with the others after a bow.

"Why did you kill him," Chief 'Damien asked looking at Dave.

Dave was shocked by the question but he kept a steady look. "I can't kill him even if I want to. And besides I hold no resentment towards him," Dave said.

"Do you take me for a fool?" The chief Damien asked, realising a terrifying aura.

Dave's knees suddenly felt weak and he fell down. He felt his body pressured by an unseen force.

"I raised Jack. He is possessive and selfish, I gave him the armour and he would never give it to anyone," Chief Damien said, his gaze becoming sharper.

"I am.... not lying," Dave struggled to speak.

"I can see a glimpse of the past. I saw you kill him. You dare lie to my face?" Chief Damien said. Dave felt the pressure increase. He felt flat on the floor.

"Are you ready to speak up?" Chief Damien asked.

"I only did it as a form of self defence, he was trying to kill me and take the glory of slaying the monster," Dave said truthfully.

"Did you know the consequence of killing my next successor?" Chief Damien asked.

"Next successor? Does he mean he wants to kill me?" Dave thought inwardly.

"What is his Murderous intent towards me," Dave asked.

"His Murderous intent is 30, he is bluffing and not ready to kill you," The system said.

“Is that you become my sword,you show the potential of killing a monster of threat level 9. Killing you is a waste of talent. You will take an oath to serve me," The chief said.

"System what is his strength compared to the monster?" Dave asked.

"The man in front of you is 3 times stronger than the monster. Even with the iron fist you stand no chance against him," The system said.

Dave looked at the chief with shock evident in his eyes.

He has carefully mask his strength in of everyone, rarely engaging in fights. Who knew the chief was this strong.

"I surrender," Dave said.

"Good, you know what is best for you," The chief said.

"Ding: System has noticed a spell on you placed by the chief," The system said.

"Serving me will give you great benefits, wealth, nobility, just say what you want," The chief said with a smile.

"I want the title of trash removed from my name, and I want my sister to have a better life," Dave said.

"Done," The chief said, still maintaining his smile.

"But let me tell you something," Chief Damien said as his gaze became strict.

"The moment you betray me is when you die," Chief Damien said with a sharp tone.

Dave felt his heart shudder. "It won't happen chief," Dave said as he stood up from the floor.

"You can leave now, I will call you if I have any information for you," The chief said.

"Have a good day chief," Dave said.

"There will be a celebration for you for killing the monster and you can keep the core for yourself. Take it as a gift," The chief said.

A smile curl up Dave's lips, "glory is finally at reach," He thought as he left.

"Forming an alliance with the chief is a good thing for now since I have a strong backup, with my level up system I will eventually surpass him and break the restriction he placed on me," Dave thought.

The system had already told him the spell. It was meant to restrict him to always abide by the chief request. If he betrays he would be instantly killed.

"You can remove the spell when you are strong enough," The system said.

"I am not ready to remove it, removing it will only make him more suspicious," Dave thought as he went to his home.

"Big brother Dave you are back," Lily called.

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