Life And Death Battle

Oh, we got another mission. I will go now to get prepared. And whatever the strange energy was, if you have a clue about it feel free to reach out to me," Commander Jack said as he stood up.

"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Dave breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Jack hadn't pressed further. "Thank you, Commander. I appreciate it."

"You again? Are you this thick skin?" Rowand asked with a mocking tone as Dave came to the mercenary guild.

"The way you fainted shamelessly at the battlefield didn't teach you any sense, are you that willing to die?" Rowand asked.

"Rowand, get back to line,” Commander Jack said in a cold tone.

“Sorry commander but he will just be a blocking stone to success. We haven't been able to complete a mission. If this goes wrong again we could get kicked out of the mercenary guild.

Commander Jack had a thoughtful expression for a moment. He knew what Rowan said was true. They had only completed one mission and it was cleared by a mysterious energy if this goes on they might actually get kicked out.

“That would not happen as long as I am here,” Commander Jack said with a sharp tone and a determined gaze.

“We are going to complete this mission,” Commander Jack said as they headed out.

The dungeon was nothing like the former, it was filled with a hot wave of scorching heat coming from the heart of a volcano.

“This place is freaking hot,” Toward said as he wiped the sweat on his face. Everyone seemed to be suffering from the same fate, sweating profusely.

“We should march on, conserve your strength,” Commander Jack said.

“Rowand and Micheal, head east, Alex and Fred, west. Dave and I will take care of the north,” Commander Jack said, distributing them into various parts of the dungeon to make it easier for them to explore.

They all looked at the commander with a strange look almost as if they just heard the impossible. They knew the commander always heads out with Rowand. He protected Dave from the usual insult he gets every time he comes to the mercenary guild and now chose to go with Dave. “Is all these just a coincidence?"

“What? Why are you all looking like that?” Commander Jack asked after he noticed the strange look on their faces.

“Commander, are you not going with Rowand?” Fred asked.

“I thought of going with Dave today to protect him. He is one of the weakest in the group,” Commander Jack explained his decision.

“Okay,” They said as they headed out.

Dave wasn't stupid, he could easily guess that the commander choses to follow him in hopes that the energy would come out. “He is a real schemer,” Dave thought, a bit irritated by his lie.

As they both went deeper into the dungeon, the harsh wave of heat harassed their skin making them turn red.

Dave felt his blood boil, the heat alone was too strong for his body to handle.

Chapter Seven: Battle

"Ding, Host condition Critical. It is advisable to leave here. The beast in front has a threat level of 9," The system said as a blue screen appeared in front of him.

"What? Hey remove the screen I don't want him to see it and starts suspecting me more," Dave said inwardly.

"Don't worry host, no one can see the screen except you," The system assured.

"Oh, that's good. But what do you mean threat level 9," Dave thought with his heart beating widely. A monster this strong is enough to crush all the members here.

He was thinking about the danger when he heard a loud howl which shook the entire dungeon. A body which Dave guessed was the size of a building was revealed.

"What is this," Dave asked as he looked at the ball of blood red eyes which seemed almost as if it could see his soul.

Beast: Octopus

Breed: Fire clan

Height: 10 feet long

Strength: 50

Speed: Average

Threat level: 9

Proficiency: Fire lord

Dave looked at the blue screen which displayed the monster status also showing its picture.

"Commander Jack," Dave called as he looked around. He was the only one in front of the monster. He gulped nervously holding his sword tightly.

"Just where the fuck did he go at such critical time?" Dave thought as he hissed.

"I can sense the Commander's presence ," The system said.

"Really? He couldn't wait to satisfy his curiosity. Even pushing a member to danger. He isn't worthy of being the leader," Dave thought angrily.

"Bang," The shock wave spread as the beast stood up.

"System I can't fight this beast with my current strength, what can you do to help me? I can't die," Dave said to the system.

"Scanning random master skill," The system said.

"Boom," Dave rushed to the side to avoid being squashed by the monster's fiery feet.

"Let see how long you can last," Commander Jack said as he watched the fight almost as if watching a movie with no intention of helping.

"Scanning complete, merging master Shi Iron fist skill into host," The system said. Dave was instantly covered in a blue light. He felt energised and every cell in him became hyperactive.

"Warning Host, due to your current endurance you can only use this skill for ten minutes to avoid over exhaustion and getting killed," The system said.

"Ten minutes? Will that be enough to kill it?" Dave thought.

"It should if you maximise your time," The system said.

"How do I use it," Dave asked as he run awkwardly avoiding the huge foot of the wolf.

"Push your hands to the air," The system said.

"Okay, like this?" Dave asked as he followed the instruction.

"Iron Fist," Dave said as he felt his body being controlled by an inner force. He felt his body being possessed.

In a swift and fluid motion, he combines 7 different body positions into one executing them with precision almost as if he had mastered them all his life.

"Boom," The faint blue-like punch hit the monster, making it lose balance a bit.

It yelled in irritation and his attack became more serious.

"Woah," Dave exclaimed in shock. He didn't expect the power to be at this extent. But it only seemed to prick the monster as it didn't look hurt. Its tough skin deflected most of the impact.

"What happened? It felt as if a force hit the monster? Where did it come from? Was it really from that weakling?" Commander Jack asked himself inwardly as he enjoyed the show.

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