System Awakening

"Hey get back," Micheal said as he pushed Dave to a corner before spreading his hands open. His hands began to glow with white light. The strike which was about to hit him lost its target and hit the rock beside them.

The snake hissed loudly in annoyance as it strikes with its head baring its long corrosive fangs.

Dave recovered from the push and steadied himself, he looked at Micheal in awe. He seemed in control of the battlefield but in reality he was at a loss.

He had the skill of telekinesis where he moves things with his mind. But moving something this big almost gave him a black out.

Dave stood there clenching his sword tightly, he didn't even know where to start from and he felt his presence there was ignored and useless.

Despite his best efforts, Dave found himself struggling to keep up with Micheal's prowess. While Micheal fought the creatures with telekinetic blasts, Dave's sword strikes felt clumsy and ineffective in comparison.

Each swing of his blade seemed to miss its mark, leaving Dave feeling frustrated and powerless. He watched as Micheal controlled the battlefield, his telekinetic powers rendering Dave's efforts almost unnecessary.

It was in those moments of desperation that Dave truly knew just how useless he was to the group .He couldn't help but wonder if he was truly cut out for this life of battling monsters and protecting the village.

"Bang," The tail of the snake caught Micheal in surprise. The powerful force hit him, making him crash into the tree. He lost consciousness immediately.

The snake crawled towards him and was about to bite him when Dave yelled in a loud voice that caught the snake's attention. The snake turned to face him with it red eyes.

He had already sent red flames in the sky signalling that they needed help. All he had to do was stall for time for his members to come.

"This shouldn't be hard, you have to do something to save both your life and Michael's," Dave said as he hit the sword on the stone making his noise louder.

"Hisss," The serpent abandoned Micheal and rushed towards Dave. Its speed was astonishingly fast for its size.

He swings the sword while trying to dodge the tail and the fangs at the same time.

"Come on guys, be quick," Dave thought Inwardly as he ran.

The serpent started getting furious for all it missed hits, it stopped for a moment while releasing a black smoke from its mouth.

"Poison gas," Dave thought inwardly as he inhaled it. He could feel its strong toxicity.

"Bastard," Dave cursed but the serpent just struck him with its tail.

"Wait, is this how I am going to die?" Dave thought within milliseconds before the strike hit him.

"There are many things I still want to do, I can't die," He thought, feeling weaker.

"Boom," The serpent strike finally fell but Dave didn't die.

"What happened? Am I dead? Is this the after life?" He thought as he opened his eyes. In front of him a ball of white light covered him while blocking the strike.

"Booooom," A sonic boom erupts as the ball of light explodes. He fell unconscious feeling sudden weak and power drained.

"Hey are you guys okay?" Commander Jack, who was there just in time to witness the last scene of the fight, asked as he rushed towards them.

The other members too soo gathered around them.

"Ding: Host is saved" A robotic voice said.

"Danger level decrease," The same robotic voice said.

******Two Days Later*******

Dave woke up with a striking headache. Everywhere was completely dark. He could feel everything but not his eyes. It was as if they were deactivated.

"Have I gone blind? What was the voice I heard before? I remember it said host, was it a monster? No monster can't speak human language, what was it?" Thoughts ran through his head making his heart beat fast at the possible fact that his eyes could have gone blind.

"You are not blind host, you are just suffering some backlash from merging with the system, you would recover your vision in some moment but it is advisable you stay still to avoid hurting yourself" The voice said.

"System? Who are you? What are you? Where are you? Why are you calling me host?" Questions swarmed through his head.

"Answer to your second question, as my host, I reside within you," The system voice said.

Dave absorbs the information, "what do you mean god's eyes? I got a trashy talent," Dave said, rolling his eyes.

He slowly regained his sight. He quickly closed them to adjust to the bright environment.

Looking around he noticed the familiarity of his surroundings, he was in his room.

"You are the wrong host, the talent you got is a mega grade talent, it's just that it needs to be nourished for its potential to show," The system explained.

Heading this a smile curved on his lips, I am not trash after all," Adrian said as his eyesight returned. It took a moment for him to adjust to the light of the room.

"But wait, why should I trust you? What if you betray me and end up killing me in the end?" Dave asked with a suspicious gaze.

"We are combined by soul, anything that happens to you happens to me. If you die I die," The system said, assuring him.

Hearing this Dave felt more relaxed he stood up and sat on his bed.

"Good, that's good to hear, so can you help me get stronger?" Dave asked.

"But what are you and how did you come into my body?" Dave asked.

"I got merged into your body from the necklace on your neck which is an ancient artefact," The system said.

Dave touched the unassuming necklace which was in a bad condition. It was his mother's last remains and he didn't know why his mother cherished it despite it not being worth much.

He looked around it and found a hidden message, it was written in a language he had never seen before.

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