Dungeon Raid
Dungeon Raid
Author: Prince_charming57

Dave's heart raced as he walked through the street littered with a pile of dead bodies. He wore a torn clothes while carrying his 1 year old sister in his arms. Tears filled his sea blue eyes as he tried to locate the bodies of his parents in the pile of dead bodies.

He was dressed in a white shirt and black trousers. He had beautiful features like his ink dark hair, blue crystal eyes and fair skin.

It happened so fast, the space itself torn and monsters spilled in. His village was the first to suffer the painful fate. It was pure massacre a d complete chaos.

The air filled with the screams of people who were devoured by strange monsters who came out of nowhere.

It had all happened so fast the attack from the monsters was in the middle of the night and it caught the villagers off guard.

One moment he was sleeping peacefully and the next his parents suddenly rushed into the room and woke him up. They told him to carry his little sister and head to the basement underneath the house.

He watched through the crack of the door as his parents were ripped apart, their cries of pain echoing in his ears. With his heart pounding in his chest, he had grabbed his sister tightly while resisting the urge to cry for fear of being heard by the monster.

Now walking in the piles of blood of his villagers who were his friends, family tears fell freely in his eyes. The once familiar streets were now littered with the blood and stench of blood.

The village wasn't a big one and almost everyone knew each other. Seeing the bones and blood of his parents he felt heartbroken.

The monsters have returned to where they came from leaving him and his sister the only survivors in the village of over a hundred people.

The village which were mostly noisy at night became as silent as a grave yard.

********Real Day*****

"Ahhh," Dave yelled from sleep as he sat up, his face filled with sweat. His clothes were soaked and so was the bed he was on. He had a scared look like someone who just saw a ghost.

"This old memory," Dave said with a sigh as he sat up on the wooden bed. It was already morning. He quickly stood up and refreshed himself.

The incident happen 13 years ago and he is now 21 years old but the memory still tormented him almost everyday.

After the unfortunate event, he got accepted by a new village together with his little sister who took pity on him. The cause of the monster outbreak was unknown to everyone. But one thing was clear, anytime a dungeon appears it brings nothing more than bad luck and chaos.

Humanity suffered by this date till one day, The sky itself opened and blessings descended on people in a streak of green light, giving them unique abilities which humans use to ward off Monsters attack. But people who are 16 years or above could use it.

But bad luck seems to follow him like a fly. While everyone was getting amazing abilities including strength, strong healing Dave got the most useless skill. He got a useless skill of Vision making him a disgrace and a push over in the village.

Apart from seeing things more clearly it does nothing else. While others flex their abilities he curls up in his room in silence.

He gets bullied by his peers and most of the members in his mercenary group of mercenary. In this cold world the strong are worshipped while the weak are bullied. He learned it the hard way.

"Hey wake up sleepy head, a dungeon appeared in the north east direction of the village. Mercenary number 504 is in charge of clearing it," Jack, the commander of the white jade pack said in a loud voice as he banged the door.

Dave was surprised, a dungeon appeared this early. He quickly readied himself to avoid delaying his members.

As he reached the group he was showered with eyes containing disdain and contempt but he just ignored it. This wasn't his first time being treated this way by them.

"This is our third mission ever since we were a pack. Our former missions were either left uncompleted or we called for backups due to some people lagging off. But this time there won't be any mistakes. If you know you would only be a liability to the group it is advisable you back down from this mission," Commander Jack a handsome young man in his mid twenties and the heartthrob of almost every girls in the village not only for his amazing talent but also his exquisite physical features said with his sharp blue eyes scanning everyone.

Dave knew he was the one they were referring to, he was the one always slowing the group down and being clumsy.

Seeing that nobody stepped down, Commander Jack said again.

"This time the mission is extra hard since the dungeon threat level is 5 coming there is the same as risking your lives. Are you sure you all want to go?"

"Yes Sure," They all said in a loud voice.

"Then let's head out and show those monsters what we are made of," Commander Jack said, lifting the morale of his members.

At the entrance of the dungeon, bone chilling frost filled with evil energy was spilled. Dave quickly used his skill to scan the area. It was quite strange, the dungeon had been open for over 30 minutes and no monster had come out. After scanning he also confirmed that there was no monster in sight.

"Was the detection of the threat level wrong?" Dave thought while keeping his guard up. He held tightly to his long white sword.

"Micheal and Dave, head to the left part of the dungeon, Alex and Fred, the right part of the dungeon. Rowland and I are going to the middle. If you encounter any beast stronger than you quickly signal to the other members," Commander Jack said and they all nodded while heading to their district

As Dave and Micheal ventured deeper into the left part of the dungeon, they could feel the sinister atmosphere. The place was as cold as ice but they were well trained and had endured countless training sessions. Suddenly, a low growl was heard and a huge serpent came out. Its presence sent shivers down their spine for a second.

"Hisssss," The snake hisses loudly as it strikes its long tail at them.

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