
What are these words? I have never seen such language before and it wasn't even there," Dave said.

"The message is beyond your comprehension right now. You are too weak to know about it," The system said.

Dave suddenly felt insulted, too weak was a name that had stuck to him and hearing it again felt annoying.

"My apologies if I had indirectly hurt you host," The system apologised.

"Can you sense my emotions?" Dave asked, perplexed by the system's timely apology.

"We are connected by soul, I can feel your emotions and even your thoughts," The system said.

"What? My thoughts, then I will have no privacy," Dave said with wide eyes.

"You can disable this feature anytime you like. But it was just for you to communicate with me even in public," The system said.

"Oh okay then, you can keep it on them," Dave said.

"But you still haven't told me, how did you get into the necklace? What is special about it and what created you?" Dave asked questions after questions.

"I am sorry, I am not allowed to tell you that. Knowing too much information would only bring more harm than good for you now that you cannot protect yourself. Once you get stronger I would definitely tell you," The system said.

Although Dave wanted to find out more about the secret of the mysterious system he kept his questions to himself.

"Speaking of getting stronger, how can I get stronger? I am just trash," Dave said with a sad gaze.

"Host, you possess a heaven defying skill called the 'God's Eyes' but it is at its lowest level now that is why its powers are at its lowest," The system replied.

"God's eyes, give me a break you mean this trashy vision talent?" Dave said with a slight chuckle.

"Host I am not joking. The skill is a heaven defying skill, without you possessing it I wouldn't have been able to merge with you in the first place and save you from the serpent back at the dungeon," The system replied.

"Serpent? Dungeon? When did that happen?" Dave asked with a confused look.

"Seems host is suffering from a minor loss of memory. Your squad received a mission to clear dungeon 601. You were in a dangerous situation and that triggered me waking me up from my millennium deep sleep," The System said.

"Millennium? Deep sleep?" He started getting suspicious. "So it has been created since 1,000 years ago," Dave thought inwardly.

"So can you help me get strong?" Dave asked.

"I am a Level up system and it is my job to make sure the host gets strong. But you also have your part to play. As a level up system, you can level up by absorbing others powers to become your own, but note if the person is 4 ranks higher than you, you could die in the process," The system said.

"Absorb others' powers, that's cool," Dave said.

"But can you explain what you mean by ranks?" Dave asked.

"Humans have 7 ranks,

Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Platinum and Celestial. With each having 10 levels each. Most people only know about their existence but upgrading the ranks is hard and almost impossible. With the aid of the system you can not only level up and get strong, you can even unlock more talents," The system said.

"Really? So it's just to find a suitable person to absorb," Dave thought. He knew it was best to keep the system a secret, if people knew about it he could be turned into a lab rat with even some trying to get it. And he has to look for suitable people to absorb, absorbing just anyone would leak his secret.

"What do you know about the origins of the Monster?" Dave asked.

"Monsters are space scavengers, they get stronger by eating flesh and absorbing people's souls. The people they kill would turn to their puppet slaves in the underworld," The system said.

"Slaves? So mom and dad's souls are captured and they are slaves?" Dave asked terrified and angry at the fate of his parents.

"I must save them?" Dave thought with a firm and determined gaze.

"What do you mean underworld and how do I find it?" Dave asked.

"Underworld is a place parallel to this universe. It is a world covered by darkness and filled with evil Qi. Monster feeds on this energy that why after staying a few hours in the human world they would always return to recover," The system said.

"Ding: System is revealing too much information. Host it is advisable not to ask anymore questions about this topic for now," The system said as a red screen appeared right In Front of him.

Dave felt he was drowning in too much information that he had little time to process it. It was known to all that after a dungeon outbreak monsters poured in but who knew the reason they already left instead of continuing killing they retreat was to restore their evil Qi.

And the thought of the underworld is scary, a place where the demons dwell was not a place he would like to go now that he is too weak to fight. Even though he wanted to save his parents he needed to be at least 70% sure he could handle it.

"And system what......" Adrian was about to ask something but was interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Lily?" Dave asked, looking at the direction of the door.

A young girl who was about the age of thirteen entered. She was dressed in a lovely yellow gown with a flower embroidery and her long brown hair was let loose. She had a frightening expression on her face.

"You are alive," She said with a shaky voice as tears fell freely from her eyes.

"I am alive? Why is she crying?" Dave thought.

"Scanning foreigner:

Name: Lily Cole

Race: Human

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Skill: None

Relation to host: Sister

Ding: Lily is not a threat to the host," The system said, interrupting their moment.

"I thought you were gonna die, Commander Jack brought you back and you were unreactive. You just lay fixed in one spot. I was so afraid," She said, squeezing him in her embrace.

"The system wasn't lying, it seemed there was a dungeon," Dave thought.

"If you squeeze too much then I really might die," Dave thought, trying to lighten the atmosphere with a joke but it didn't seem to work as tears fell more from Lily's eyes.

"You are not allowed to die Brother Dave," Lily said.

"Yes Ma'am," Dave said right arm to his head as he did a salute.

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