The skin of his arm, after a cut and exposure to the very air of the night in the blank world began to drop blood on the floor like a drip on a patient's vein . Valentine could hear the blood dripping from his arm in the silence that stretched through the empty house of Kezra in search of Jessica with his gun readily aimed at every nook and cranny of the house. His movement was like that of a child playing hide and seek with his feet unheard by anyone. On the walls of the long passage were candle light at every interval, giving out dim illumination that created Val's shadow on the same wall.

Behind the young boy in the passage was Jessica but he had no idea about it until she pulled the trigger, bringing Val on the floor. The sound of the gunshot did not only echo inside the house but startled Amaya who was still with dead Benny from outside and drew people's attention too.

Jessica brought down her gun when she noticed her enemy down, walking close to confirm his death. Unfortunately,
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