The Goblin King

[ 1hr : 30 mins ]

Alex approached his teammates as they observed in a distance, waiting whatever comes their way.

“It's already been 30 mins since all this happened.” Alex said upon entering their midst. "And there aren't any Goblins in sight."

"Perhaps we should move forward, just like you suggested earlier, there could be more coming."

Alex exchanged glances with Liam before nodding at his suggestion.

There could be more in front, but unbeknownst to them, they had already cleansed the Calvary of goblins that planned on taking out the village in the first place, what simply remains for them to handle is... the Goblin King.

They all took the Narrow path and headed towards the direction that was inhabited by the goblin king.

It had only been around 20 mins since the gang headed far down the path searching for the remaining piece to complete the quest.

Their surroundings had changed and the scenery had even hardened, there was less grass and more tombsto
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