Chapter 16 Berserker Sage Mode

As the battle raged, Manasi grew restless.

"Hey, spiritual system, you know we can't just sit here doing nothing. We have to find more bodies to absorb energy. Any ideas on how to get more energy?" Manasi said he wanted to absorb some of the corpses. It is such a waste.

Earlier he had been lucky to have a paralyzed beast near him, but Manasi didn't expect that to happen again. He knows that he needs to do something. 

'Contactor, we will have our chance. Be patient. ' Spirit System

'For the Spirit System to prevent me from moving, the spirit system most likely has a solid reason. I will observe for now.' Manasi pondered over it all.

He decides to keep looking at the battlefield with Blossom. Maybe he can find something good, or let the system record some techniques.

"Spirit system, can you copy some of their battle techniques?" Manasi said. 

The spirit system was silent for a moment. 

'Contractor, advanced and superior techniques require system energy. For now, I can only record the data of their techniques.' Spirit System

Manasi was happy when the words of the system said that he could record the data of the techniques. 

He thought for a moment and asked the spirit system. "Spirit System, how much energy does the Sage Berserker mode require to copy?" Manasi said. 

'[Berserker Sage Mode (minor)]

[Type: Prohibited Technique]

[Rank: B-Intermediate] 

[Function: Increases basic stats quickly when using life energy.]

When Manasi saw the technique called for, he rejoiced and immediately had a huge grin plastered on his face. 

"Spirit System, why is it a minor version of [Sage Berserker Mode]?" Manasi asks curiously.

'Contractor, is a minor version of the Sage Berserker Mode because it is the version that uses 10 system energy to copy.' Spirit system. 

"I see," Manasi said.

'There are pros and cons. I should use the system's remaining ten energies to learn the [(Lesser) Sage Berserker Mode].

However, I will have more cards to defend myself. ' Manasi thought and is about to agree to copy the technique. 

Even before Manasi could say anything, the Spirit System had already sent the word.

'I recommend the contractor not to use this technical version because it is a prohibited technique. It consumes a huge amount of inner energy, which is life energy. 

Using techniques that have a much higher rank will place more stringent demands on the body for using the techniques. ' Spirit System

"The higher stage techniques have a lot more stringent requirements. I couldn't use them even if I wanted to, "said Manasi, disappointed. 

Just when Manasi is about to ask more questions about the forbidden technique.

Suddenly, there is a change between the two sides. The two sides have no apparent advantage at first, but the longer the fight, the more disadvantageous it is for the Abyssal Abaddons. 

'It doesn't look good for the Abyssal Abaddons, even though they have a superior team. The Homunculus Beast Tiger has much larger numbers. 

Slowly, the favor of the battle will tilt towards the Homunculus Beasts, ultimately leading to the defeat of the Abyssal Abaddons.' Manasi pondered over it all.

The Abyssal Abaddons' numbers are being chipped, but they don't seem to care, even though they only have a thousand armies left. 

But even then, Manasi knew that the Abyssal Abaddons weren't easy to deal with. They didn't even use the robot-like dragon yet. 

"I want to see the Abyssal Abaddons statistics, to see what kind of strength they have. "Manasi murmured. 

The Homunculus Beast Tiger King, who was only observing the battle, also began to participate in it. The Abyssal Abaddons are having a hard time countering them. 

They were soon surrounded by the Homunculus Beast Tigers under the leadership of their king. 

The Abyssal Abaddons, black aura begins to rapidly rise. Their rune armor begins to accumulate energy. 

Suddenly, an electromagnetic shock wave is released in unison. As a result, the Homunculus Beasts are all repelled and, at the same time, paralyzed. 

The Abaddon Abyssal's retaliation didn't end there, as their axes gathered a terrifying amount of energy as the runic symbols began to glow brightly. When their axes are fully loaded. 

The muscles in their arms swelled as the veins were visible, and they formed an X on their chest as they threw the ax they were holding at the paralyzed Homunculus Beasts.

Heads and limbs soar through the air as the axe easily rips their lives apart. The axe that is embedded in the bodies of the Homunculus Beast Tigers begins to return like a boomerang.

A large number of Homunculus Beasts are dropping dead one by one. Manasi, who saw this terrifying scene, begins to sweat. 

"Hey, Spirit System, are you sure we have to face these monsters?" He nervously asks the Spirit System. 

'You can.' Spirit System.

'They can easily slaughter the Homunculus Beast Tigers. Wouldn't I be slaughtered before I approached them? 'Manasi thought. 

The Abyssal Commander Abaddons confront the Beast Homunculus, King Tiger. Since it is injured by the electromagnetic shock wave, the Abaddons start attacking heavily.

The other Homunculus Beast Tigers who have recovered have resumed their assault. The fight is far from over as the earth shakes as another batch of Homunculus Beast Tiger arrives. 

Commander Abyssal Abaddons grew impatient with this endless fight, as he could tell. That it won't be long before another batch of Homunculus comes their way. 

Commander Abyssal Abaddons is still locked in battle with the Homunculus Beast Tiger King. 

Suddenly, the Homunculus Beast Tiger King activates its [Sage Berserk Mode] and sweeps away with tremendous force with his claw.

The Commander, Abyssal Abaddon, is pushed back and the axe in his right hand is suddenly thrown away. 

The direction in which Commander Abyssal Abaddon's axe is thrown near Manasi's location. 

Blossom, who saw the axe, suddenly reached out and the axe landed in her palm. 

"Abba, what is this?" Blossom asks, stroking the blade of the axe. 

Manasi is surprised that the axe is thrown in their direction.

Then he became happy and said, "Blossom, it's Papa's gift to you!" 

Manasi did not even ask the original owner.

"Thank you, abba!" She said this as she hugged Manasi. 


On the other hand, Commander Abyssal Abaddons was struck by the Homunculus Beast Tiger King in [Sage Berserk Mode].

Commander Abyssal Abaddons has become irrational as a result of being bashed.

He suddenly rushed at the Homunculus Beast Tiger using his skills, while recalling his axe to fight to the death with King Homunculus Beast Tiger. 

The Commander Abyssal Abaddons blocked the first attack by the Homunculus Beast Tiger King. 

He intended to recall his axe and synchronize it when he used the augmented fire style to end the life of the Homunculus Beast Tiger King. 

"Augmented fire style! Die monster!" He roared at the top of his lungs.

But alas, the reality was far different from the imagination. Only his right hand landed on the Homunculus Beast Tiger King's face, not even a scratch on it. 

"...Where's my axe?.." He looked at his empty palm, dumbfounded.

The Homunculus Beast Tiger King snarled at the commander of the Abaddons Abyssal.

The Beast Tiger King swung its claws at the head of the Abaddons Abyssal Commander, but the Abaddons Abyssal Commander clenched his lion's mouth as he raised his arms to block the incoming claw attack. 

It is too powerful as he is thrown into the air with his arms broken. 


Manasi, who was looking around. Witness the whole thing.

"Isn't it recklessness to fight the Homunculus Beast Tiger King using just a punch? Did the Abyssal Abaddons Commander go crazy or something?" Manasi commented.

"...." Spirit System. 

While that was happening, Manasi did not notice that Blossom, who was clasping the Abyssal Abaddons Commander Axe, was shaking, as if he wanted to return to its owner.

Unfortunately for the Abyssal Abaddons Commander, his axe is caught in this little lady's hand. 

Even if Commander Abyssal Abaddons personally took it from her, he would have a hard time getting it out of Blossom's hand.

Suddenly, Manasi saw the shadow of the Abyssal Abaddons Commander back as his head landed heavily on the rocks beside them. 

Manasi and Blossom, who are hiding, look at the Abyssal Abaddons Commander, who has a broken right hand, as black blood continues to flow from its wounds. 

Manasi looked dumbfounded at the Abyssal Abaddons Commander, who in turn also noticed Manasi, particularly Blossom who was holding his treasure axe. 

Their eyes met, making the place silent.

"...." Commander Abaddon.

"..." Manasi

For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still before the Abaddons Abyssal Commander spoke angrily, his veins on his forehead threatening to burst. 

"Give me back my treasure axe immediately, human. " The Abyssal Abaddon Commander said his expression turned terrifying. 


Manasi was stunned for a moment when he heard the word "human", but then he smiled and said. 

"Why would I hand it over? This is mine."Manasi exclaimed joyfully.

The End of Chapter 16

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