CHAPTER 11: Plans In Motion
“Sir, you have a visitor,”

Adrian lifted his head slowly with a small wave of the hand. From the look on his secretary's face, there was trouble and he wasn't in the mood for any sort of trouble today.

“What is it, Rose? All appointments this morning are canceled. Do I need to repeat that?”

“No sir, that's not it. You have a guest…”

“What guest?” Adrian cut her off in an impatient tone. Yes, he was a bit cranky and he knew that but for some reason, he couldn't shake off the feeling, not even a week after his grandfather's burial.

It was like he was still in denial of what had happened.

“Don't lay another finger on me, you uncultured fools!” The door pushed open and a woman barged inside. She was dressed in a green silk gown that exposed and accentuated her rich status.

Without warning, she stamped a furious hand on Adrian's desk, causing the files he was working on to float away. The sight seemed to please her because she smirked and leaned back, looking like the perfect villa
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