Chapter 235

“Dear Gerald,” the letter began. “It seems you’ve been played by Ethan Anderson’s cunning schemes. Did you honestly believe that voting for him would ensure his favor and consideration for the project? You are nothing more than a pawn in his game.”

Gerald’s anger intensified with every line he read. The letter mocked his ambitions and belittled his efforts. “How dare they think they can manipulate me like this,” he muttered, his voice laced with venom. He squeezed the letter in his hand, crumpling it into a tight ball. The letter’s tone was condescending, and its message was clear: Ethan had outmaneuvered him, but now he had the opportunity to fight back.

The letter continued with an unsettling proposition. It instructed Gerald to attend a secret meeting to discuss how to undermine Ethan. The date and time were specified, leaving little room for hesitation. “If you wish to reclaim control and secure the project for yourself, you must come prepared to strategize how to take down Ethan
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