Chapter Sixty Six

Alex and Sarah woke up to a sunny morning, the kind that promises a perfect day. The warm sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a golden glow across their bedroom. Alex stretched, feeling the delicious laziness of the weekend seep into his bones. He glanced over at Sarah, who was already awake and scrolling through her phone.

"Morning, love," he murmured, leaning over to kiss her forehead.

Sarah smiled, putting her phone aside. "Morning. How about we take the day off and just spend it together?"

"That sounds perfect," Alex replied, sitting up. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let's start with breakfast," she suggested. "Then maybe visit my parents for lunch."

"Deal," Alex agreed, swinging his legs out of bed.

They moved through their morning routine with the ease of long-practiced partners. Alex brewed coffee while Sarah prepared a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. They sat down at the kitchen table, enjoying the peaceful start to their day.

"So, any special plans fo
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