Chapter 14: sacrifice 

Emily, who was already trembling, with her face turning ashen, was stunned when she didn't feel any movement around her.

" Huh?"

Shifting a little bit, she lowered her head but was met with a different surprise!

" Haahhh!"

The sight of John rooted in one single place, with his neck sprouting out blood and deep crimson lines filling his eye balls, terrified her to the core!

It felt as if she was under a cold corpse!

Without thinking twice, she pushed John from her path, and swiftly got up, her eyes scanning the bush anxiously.

John's body jerked with the sudden push and couldn't even lift any of his limbs.

He didn't expect his plans to get interrupt.

Now, his life force was slowly slipping away.

Fear filled Emily's heart as her mind raced uncontrollably, failing to comprehend what just occurred.

Wasn't John about to sexually assault her?

At this time, a tall straight figure like a towering spear, strode forward, exuding a strong presence capable of pressuring a mountain.

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