It was difficult for Lina to believe that Doctor Gerald had said these words. Since she has always believed that he was an upright man. Where did all of that just go in a flinch?

Meanwhile, for Doctor Gerald, he felt that he did what had to be done. He was one of the best doctors in the city.

Admitting that he was not able to treat Mr. Anderson was going to be a really big blow and Xander might end up taking his place.

This was something that he could not afford.

"That you once again." Mr. Anderson had a really weak smile on his face as he spoke.

Lina could not contain her anger anymore and she turned around towards Doctor Gerald, removing all the formalities that used to be added to his name.

"Doctor Gerald." She blotted out angrily, making everyone in the room shift their attention over to him.

"What do you think that you are doing? Taking the glory when you know that you had nothing to do with what happened?" She thundered but Doctor Gerald faked ignorance, claiming not to know w
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