Doctor Gerald was already ready to turn around and leave. His head turned towards the door and his apprentice packed his things.

Vincent groaned angrily. There was a place for sympathy in his heart for the old man. Besides in his opinion, the old man had only been standing in his way ever since.

But now that he is gone. It was going to make things a lot easier for him.

The board were now going to be the ones that would be doing the choosing and now that Mr. Anderson died in the hands of someone that Lina had brought to the family, there was no way that she was going to be elected.

"Cough! Cough!" A loud cough was soon heard throughout the hall like the loud sound of a horn.

And from the direction that the sound came from, it looked like it was coming from Mr. Anderson.

But after what everyone in the hall had seen just a while ago, it was difficult for them to believe this.

Their hearts were still frozen.

For a while, there was a pause in the hall. Nobody moved. Then the sound came aga
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