Boggy brought Leah and Rowan to his throne and tossed them on the side. He then kept staring at the pristine black sword. “The Dark Witch’s sword… It’s possible that she died.” He frowned. “I heard that she used to be the favorite concubine of the Immortal King. For her to lose her sword, it probably means that she’s lost her life. Last I saw her, she was battling the Cosmic Cultivator Chun Fu! Even the First Key couldn’t defeat him! I can only hope that she managed to gravely injure that monstrous man before dying.”

Boggy felt like rushing to his boss Yves straight away, but he couldn’t just leave his soup that was in the middle of being cooked. There was also Leah and Rowan that he needed to deal with.

“What should I do with these two?” he wondered, squatting down next to those two. “Should I wake them up and make them fight each other to death? They look like friends, but I bet they’re going to slit each other’s throat the moment you tell them only one of them can live. No matter w
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