“What? Please, please.” Tears streamed down his cheeks,

“Security, Security,” Nicolas screamed.

Jack and Kelvin smiled, seeing how the table had turned around against Steve. The customers made a mockery of Steve and even had him thrown out of the boutique.

Everyone praised Jack for standing up for Anna. Even Mr. Nicolas Johnson was happy and even pleaded with Jack to follow him to his office, he offered Jack a five-year contract which would allow his boutique to supply him with different outfits at a discount price.

Jack refused the offer, he only did what he did because of his friend Anna. He stepped away from the office with a smiling face, he picked everything he ordered and stepped out of the boutique.

Meanwhile, Anna was still in the restroom with her eyes filled with tears. She remembered hearing her phone buzzed earlier. She glanced at the screen, and her eyes popped out in disbelief.

“What.” She exclaimed in surprise “One million dollars. How?” She looked at the message again, knowing she had received the money from Steve Gray.

Her expression was mixed with happiness and excitement; she remembered writing her account details in his book when she lent him some money so months ago. “He still has my account details.” She said to herself.

Before she came back to where the scene happened Jack had left, but she didn’t get the time to properly appreciate her friend.

Olivia was surprised how Jack became rich, she shook her head and walked back to work.

Jack and Kelvin were on their way home. They both burst into laughter as they talked about the scene.


That evening at the mansion, the family members were all seated at the dining table and had a special moment. The only person missing was Mr. Harrison Campbell, who had gone to a business meeting outside the state.

The news about the mysterious guy has been trending online, Jack was happy his face didn’t show properly. It will help him to still go ahead with his plan, while he awaits to resume school.

“Have you watched the trending video of the man who was humiliated by an unknown dude? That serves him right. I hear he was trying to bully a staff member but got bullied instead.” Aunt Veronica uttered.

Jack stared at Kelvin Wang, who was seated beside him; they both smiled.

“Veronica, I think we should not talk about it. Let’s eat.” Jack’s grandmother said.

They ate to their satisfaction, after which Jack stepped towards his room. He veranda, and he perceived a knock at his door. He tossed his head gaze towards the direction and found his grandmother moving towards his direction.

“Grandma, You are still awake.” He said with a low voice.

“Yes, son. I came so we could have a discussion.” She said with a low tone.

Jack sniffed, as he moved towards her, “Have a seat, grandma.” He said, pointing at the sofa in his room.

His grandmother nodded her head, as she sat down. Jack sat beside her, he was curious to know what she had to say.

“What is it, Grandma? Is everything okay?” Jack questioned.

“Yes, Jack,” she replied. “I came to talk about our new environment and what you have. Jack, I want you to remember where you came from, knowing you don’t need to allow what you have now to rule over you. You will be heading back to school soon, I know you are innocent of the crime. But be a good son, just like you have always been.” She said in a cool voice.

“I know, grandma. I have always been a good son and I will not allow things to get into my head.” Jack replied.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Veronica and Kelvin Wang rushed inside with a worrisome gaze.

“What is it, why do you look worried?” Mrs. Margaret’s voice.

“There is a problem, mom.” Veronica blurted out.

Jack and his grandmother exchange a worrisome glance, “What is the problem?”

“Mom, the old house got burned today. and Uncle Asher has been rushed to the hospital.” Veronica said.

“What? How and when.” Jack questioned.

“We don’t know, young master. We just received a message from the police notifying us about the incident.” Kelvin Wang voiced with a low tone.

“What, let’s go to the hospital immediately,” Grandma said.

The family members got into the car, as they drove to the hospital. Jack was trying to calm his grandmother who was worried about Asher.

They arrived at the hospital and walked towards the entrance, where they met a nurse behind a canter with a computer screen before her face.

Kelvin inquired about Asher and they were directed toward the theatre. They moved in unison until they found the theatre.

Jack and his family were seated, waiting patiently for the doctor. Grandma Margaret was sobbing softly, while Veronica was beside her trying to console her grandmother.

“Do you know what happened, have you met with the police?” Jack asked Kelvin.

“I heard there was a fire outbreak at the house, and your uncle was inside. He was rescued by the neighbours, but we don’t know the extent of his injury or how much smoke he inhaled. We just need to wait for the doctor’s report.” Kelvin uttered.

Jack shook his head, he felt his heart thumping in his chest. He moved towards his grandmother.

“Grandma, Uncle Asher will be fine.”

Just then, the doctor came out with a sad outlook. He gazed at the people who moved him.

“Doctor, how is he?” Jack questioned.

“Is he alright? Talk to us.” Grandma Margaret asked.

The doctor raised his brow in concern “Are you related to him?”

“Yes, he is my brother.” Grandma Margaret replied.

The doctor hesitated, with his face etched with grief and sorrow for the family. “I am sorry, he inhaled a significant amount of smoke. We did everything we could, but he couldn’t make it. He passed away.” The doctor said,

Grandma Margaret faced downward with her eyes dripping with tears. Veronica held the two shoulders of her mother trying to console her.

The wave of grief washed over the face of Jack and his family members. He knew he had to be strong, for his family at this moment.

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