Jack exhaled “You must do it, I wouldn’t like to repeat myself. Do it now before…..”

Steve didn’t allow Jack to finish his statement, he raised his voice. “Before what, I will do no such thing. How do you expect the manager of Novaland Restaurant to apologize to a common staff?”

“Yes, you must apologize to her.” A deep voice spoke from the staircase behind. An elderly man with bald hair steps forward, with a serious demeanor.

Everyone cleared a path for him, as he made his way towards the center.

Anna saw her boss for the first time. The other staff were surprised to see the owner of the boutique. Mr. Nicolas Johnson.

“Who are you and why are you here,” Steve asked.

Nicolas Johnson had been watching the scene from the staircase and no one, not even his staff, noticed he was there.

He turned towards Jack, ‘I am sorry for the inconvenience, and I will stand by you. This man is here.” He said, pointing at Steve. “ Must apologize to the lady.” His voice was deep and echoed through the hall.

Olivia’s heart melts down, seeing her boss asking Steve to apologize to her, the same as the other staff of the boutique. Mr. Nicolas Johnson is a man with several rules, and one is that his staff should respect the customers. But seeing what the customer did to his staff, even after someone came to her rescue. The same man had refused to do as Jack said, and this made Nicolas Johnson step down with an angry face.

“None of you here would make me apologize to her,” Steve said with his voice oozing with confidence.

While the crowd were murmuring, Kelvin sent a message to Jack.

“What do you want me to do to him? I can get him fired if you wish.”

Jack felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he shoved it out and glanced at the message. He stared at Kelvin, who gave him a light nod.

“Yes, I want him fired.” Jack retorted before stepping forward.

“Steve Gray, I am giving you two minutes to apologize, or you will not like what will happen to you,” Jack said as his voice echoed with authority.

Steve giggled, “I can see you all have ganged up against me, but don’t worry. I will deal with all of you, hold on.” Steve said with his voice brimming with fury. He took out his phone from his suit pocket and immediately a message popped on his screen.

Steve was speechless as he felt his heart sink deep into his stomach, his face turned pale and from his expression, everyone noticed something was wrong. The first person he walked towards was Kelvin Wang.

‘Mr. Kelvin Wang, Please I need your help. I don’t want to lose my job. Do something for me. I just received a message from the company notifying me that I am fired.” He said with a shaky voice.

Jack smiled as he stared at Steve Gray, without being told he knew Kelvin had done exactly as he said.

Kelvin didn’t utter a word, he shifted from Steve Gray. In a minute, Steve was engrossed in a hot sweat dripping from his forehead. He was feeling hot and had to take off his suit jacket.

“Seems like someone has lost his tongue to speak. Steve Gray has lost his position as the manager of the Novaland Restaurant, and he can’t boast anymore. But that wouldn’t stop him from apologizing to the young lady.” Jack said firmly.

The crowd exchanges glances at each other, the murmuring continues from different areas.

Steve raised his head in surprise, “How did he know I lost my job?” He said inwardly while darting his gaze from Jack to Kelvin.

Kelvin Wang smiled, he was loving the show that his master was putting up in the boutique. He had his arms in akimbo posture as he beamed at Jack.

Steve was busy trying to contact a few people he knew who could help him, but they all gave him the same response. That he was sacked for his misconduct towards the son of Mr. Harrison Campbell.

His mind drifted to Jack, “Is he the son of Mr. Harrison Campbell, but how?” He said inwardly. He remembered how Kelvin had been siding with Jack since his arrival. Steve shook his head in disbelief. “No, this can be true.”

He was about going towards Jack when two hefty men who happened to be among the crowd all this while, walked towards Steve Gray. They gripped his hand and dragged him to the middle of the scene and had him kneel before Anna. Steve’s face was etched with disgrace and shame, he struggled with his words.

“If you don’t apologize, we will cut off your tongue.” One of the men said.

The crowd began to rain curses on Steve Gray, some even threatened to kill him.

If Steve Gray had been told some hours ago that he would be humiliated in such a manner, he would have slapped that person. But some hours later, he lost his job and got humiliated in one of the biggest boutiques in the city. Oops, so bad for Steve Gray. How would he feel when he sees his video on the internet?

Steve Gray was covered in sweat, his undershirt had been soaked. “I.....I....” he stammered. “I am sorry for how I treated you. Please forgive me.” He cried, with his expression mixed with sorrows and regrets.

“Say it again,” one of the customers said.

“I am sorry, please forgive me,” Steve said, maintaining a downward gaze. He didn’t realize his mistakes earlier.

He crawled towards Jack, he held his right leg. “Please, help me get back to job. I am sorry for the way I treated you. I allowed my pride to rule over me.” He pleaded.

The crowd’s eyes widened in shock, seeing Steve react. Some chuckled wryly.

I will send back the one million dollars you paid. I don’t mind adding extra. Please, help me. I need my job, that’s all I have left, my life depends on that job.” He said.

Olivia was surprised by the scene happening before her, everything seemed confusing to her. “When did Jack become so powerful?” she muttered inwardly.

Steve continued to beg for forgiveness, his voice tingling with shame and regret.

“You want to refund me my money,” Jack questioned.

“Ye…., Yes… send me your account details.” He stuttered.

Jack shrugged, he walked towards the cashier and asked for a pen. He paused for a while. Turning to face the crowd, a small smile curved on his lips when his gaze fell on Steve. He drifted back and penned down account details before approaching Steve.

“Here, make the payment as fast as possible,” Jack ordered.

With a trembling hand, Steve took the note, and immediately he made the transfer to the account given to him. He showed Jack the transaction, and he gave him an approving nod.

“Please, Will I get my job back?” Steve questioned with his heart thumping fast in his chest. He was waiting for a good reply.

“No, Steve Gray. You have lost your job, and I am not responsible for it. If you want your job back, you should consider changing your attitude or no company in the city will accept a man like you.” He said smoothly.

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