Jack gave the man a cold glance and a small smile formed immediately by the side of his lips, “I would advise you to apologize to her, and not me apologizing to you,” Jack said with his voice dripping with confidence.

Steven found Jack’s statement annoying, he felt Jack was insulting him. “How can I apologize to this thing here?” he says with his voice filled with contempt and disdain.

Jack got angry and was about to grab the man by his collar when he remembered the crowd were watching him and he remembered what his grandmother taught him about respecting his elders. Jack inhales and exhales softly, letting air out of his mouth.

“I will pay you $200,000, and if you dare lay your hand against her skin again. Then consider yourself a dead man.”

Jack turned to call the cashier to come over, so he could make the payment. Olivia’s heart squeezed in her chest, as she was engulfed with different thoughts. “Is Jack really serious about making payments? Where did he get the money from.” She muttered inwardly, with her expression mixed with worries and uncertainty.

Steve tutted his lips in anger, his hand turned into a fist. He was about to raise his hand to hit Jack from behind, unbeknownst to him that Kelvin was close.

Kelvin was outside waiting for Jack, he was supposed to come inside with Jack. But, Jack stops him to avoid creating a scene, unknowing to Jack that something different awaits him. Hearing the whispering from a few persons outside made Kelvin saunter inside to check for his young master, only to find Steve saying harsh words to Jack.

Kelvin stopped Steve from doing what was in his mind, Steve raised his eyebrows from bottom to top. The man holding his hand was different from Jack; his shoes were well-polished, and his presence was commanding.

Steve Gray flinched in shock when his gaze fell on Kelvin Wang. He took two steps backwards and bent his head. He immediately kept a calm demeanor; Steve knew who Kelvin Wang was and wouldn’t want to get him angry because he knew what would happen to him.

Jack drifted his gaze and found Kelvin behind him, he winked at him to allow him to handle everything his way. And he acted like he didn’t know Kelvin Wang, he continued with what he was doing.

“Mr. Kelvin Wang, nice to see you. What are you doing here?” Steven Gray intoned with his head bent slightly.

Kelvin clenched his jaw, and his eyes were blazing with fury. If Kelvin’s eyes were a gun, he would have shot Steve more than twice. Kelvin was boiling deeply inside, he felt like sending the man to his grave for everything he had said to young Jack.

(If only Steve Gray knew who Jack was and that Kelvin Wang was sent to accompany the young Jack, he would be on his knees begging for forgiveness, but let’s watch how the truth unfolds in his face.)

“This is a public place, anyone can come and go in whenever they like.” He replied, staring at Steve Gray. “What were you planning on doing?” Kelvin asked with his teeth gritted in anger.

Steve adjusted his suit, he maintained a mild expression. “I was trying to teach him a lesson, these young kids of today lack manners,” Steve said confidently.

“What makes you think you have the right to teach him a lesson,” Kelvin voice out in a cold voice.

Steve was confused, he was expecting Kelvin Wang to stand by his side. “Mr Kelvin, why do you sound this way? This young man here came to play a hero for this dirty girl. He was trying to humiliate me in the presence of everyone.” He said with a serious tone, with his eyes ogling around the premises.

Jack took two steps forward, with the payment receipt in his hand. “I have made the payment, you will have to apologize to her,” Jack said with a serious but firm tone.

There were some seconds of silence before the indistinct and distinct murmuring from the people continued.

Steve called the cashier to be sure, “Is that how you run business over here? I want to know if this man is telling the truth. Has he made the payment?” Steve asked with a high voice.

Without hesitation, the cashier responded, “Yes, he pays for everything you have in your bags.”

“What!!” Steve Gray screamed in shock with his mouth agape.

Anna’s eyes widened in surprise, “How come? Is this a dream? How did Jack get the money to pay.” She said in her mind.

The crowd gasps in shock, their mind wandering in the same thoughts. “How was he able to pay for it?” each mind was engrossed in deep confusion.

His reaction made some of the crowd giggle uncontrollably knowing the man whose shoulders were higher in pride would have to apologize to the lady on the floor. But will Steve Gray accept to do that, will he accept defeat?

Jack didn’t only surprise Steve and the crowd. Kelvin was also surprised, he wondered why his young master would stand for a stranger and make a huge payment.

Steve gazes around, he grasps the expression on the faces of the crowd, and he fathoms they were expecting him to apologize.

“How much is everything in my bags worth,” Steve promptly questioned.

The cashier printed another receipt from the machine, “Sir, Everything you ordered is worth a million dollars.” She said, handing him the slip.

“A million what.” The crowd screamed in disbelief, some had to peep through to take a glance at the receipt, “It’s true, a million dollars.” Their voices echoed through the marble floor, and everyone had their eyes fixated on Jack.

“Who is he? How did he make the money? Where is he from?” These words were playing in their minds.

Steve shook his head in disbelief, he felt a surge of shame and disgrace washing over his face. “How……How..” he stammered.

Jack steps forward, knowing he has done his part, and it’s left for Steve to do his part by apologizing to Olivia. “I have played my role, I want you to apologize to her now.”

Steve stood his ground, staring at Jack disdainfully. “What if I don’t, What would you do?”

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