The well-dressed man isn’t moved by his words; he continues to berate the young girl; the girl happens to be Anna, Jack’s friend.

“You clumsy idiot, Do you have any idea how much this suit cost,” he yelled at her.

Anna was trembling, her eyes widened in fear, “ it was a mistake, I am sorry. Please, forgive me.” She begged with her face etched with worries and her voice quivering slightly.

The man was about to raise his hand to slap her again when he noticed his hand was held tight. He tried to remove it but he couldn’t.

Jack’s face was engrossed with rage and his eyes blazing like fire waiting to consume.

“That’s enough, let her go,” he said in an authoritative tone.

The crowd gasped in surprise; they exchanged glances at each other. Seeing a young man challenge someone who seems older than him, although Jack wasn’t properly dressed, unlike the other man who wore a well-designed suit from a well-known brand.

The man looked at Jack from top to bottom and back to the top again. “Who the hell do you think you are? This is none of your business, stay away?” He said with his voice dripping with anger and disgust.

Jack turned his face to look at Anna whose eyes were closed. She was expecting a slap from the man but she couldn’t feel any pain or any force against her face. She opened her eyes to see her friend, Jack, standing before her, still holding the man’s hand.

“Jack,” she said. Anna was shocked to see him, there had been rumours in Crestview that Jack was dead that was the reason he hadn’t been in school, some said he ran away after being humiliated at the party, while some said he couldn’t face them because of what he stole.

He finally let go of the man’s hand, the man looked around. His gaze fell on the crowd holding their phones taking records of the event before them. He wasn’t willing to let go; he felt he had been disrespected by Jack and the young lady; he was ready to put up a show to humiliate Jack, who wanted to play the role of a hero.

Will his plan work, and will he succeed in humiliating Jack? Let’s find out.

The man stepped forward and tried to hold Jack’s clothes, but Jack pushed his hand away from his body.

“I am warning you to stay away from it, this is none of your business.” His words were cold and harsh.

Jack stood his ground, his gaze unwavering. “It became my business the moment you decided to hit a defenceless woman. You have no right to hit people like that because you think you are richer than them.” Jack said defensively.

Anna was surprised to see Jack standing up for her; she knew Jack was always quiet and had always been bullied by the Hilton twins, but seeing this, Jack, who was full of confidence, got her dumbfounded.

“Do you know who I am, I could ruin you and your entire family members. So you had better stay off.” The man sneered.

The whispering in the hall continued, everyone was waiting to see what would happen next. Jack pretended he was about to take a step away but moved his feet towards the man.

He raises his brow higher than the other, as a hint of a smile plays on his lips. “Is that so?”

The man puffed out his chest, “Yes, and I suggest you walk away before you regret it.”

Anna felt her heart pounding fast; she knew the only reason the man hadn’t continued berating her was that Jack had come to her rescue and if he should leave now, she didn’t know what he might do, and it might make matters worse.

Jack glances at the crowd, and then back to the man. “Who are you and why are you doing this to her.” He asked.

The man smiled, he looked around as he adjusted his suit. His face was etched with pride. “I am Steve Gray, and I am the manager of Novaland Restaurant, so you had better stay away before I call the guards to throw you out of here.”

“Novaland Restaurant,” Jack said softly, as a small smile curved on his lips.

Jack pushed the man backwards when he was trying to step forward. “What has she done to you,’’

Steve Gray tutted his lips, he was boiling deeply in anger. “She threw my bag away, do you know how much the suit cost? I guess you and your generation couldn’t afford to get it even if you join your savings together.” He bawled with his voice dripping with malice.

The crowd gasped in shock, some giggled uncontrollably while the rest shook their heads.

“How much is the suit,”

The man chuckled wryly, he glared at Jack disdainfully. “It cost $170,000.” He said firmly.

Jack inhaled; he narrowed his gaze at Anna, who was facing downward in shame and disgrace. She knew she couldn’t afford it and Jack as well couldn’t afford to pay for it. She was contemplating what to do next when she heard Jack’s voice.

“I will pay you for it, but first you must apologise to her,” Jack said with a steady but firm tone.

Anna hoisted her head up in surprise, and her jaw dropped. The crowd gasped in disbelief. All eyes were fixated on Jack.

“How can a young boy who is dressed like this pay for a suit worth $170,000.” One of the customers said.

There was indistinct and distinct murmuring everywhere in the room, some made a mockery of Jack. While some asked Jack to apologise to the man to avoid being humiliated like the lady.

But Jack refused to listen to their words, he was willing to do anything to help his friend, Anna. He pulled out his black premium card; everyone was surprised, including Steve Gray.

“Where did you get the card from?” He chuckled. “You think you can just go around the city with a stolen or empty bank card and you try to impress everyone. You heard what they said, apologise to me now. I might consider letting you go,” he voice out, giving Jack a cold glance.

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