All Chapters of HIS TIME TO CONQUER : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
11 chapters
In the serene ambience of the school library at Crestview University, soft sunlight filtered through the large window. Casting a warm glow over the row of neatly arranged bookshelves. With students scattered throughout the space engrossed in their studies.Jack Smith was seated alone by the corner of the library. He was hungry and his stomach was gurgling loudly, causing other students to stare at him in disgust.Jack Smith is known as an errand boy in school. He was from a poor family, and he did several jobs to survive. He managed to gain admission into Crestview through a scholarship.He shoved his hand into his pants pocket, he brought out ten dollars from his pocket, a smile curved on his lips. Jack Stood up from his seat, grabbed his bag and sauntered towards the exit of the library.On his way out he met Eric and Elvis Hilton, the two famous twins in Crestview. They are known for always bullying other students. The twins had been reported on several occasions, but the school ma
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Chapter 2
It was from Jordan Norman, one of the rich dudes in school. Jordan is known for his luxurious lifestyle and how he changed female students weekly.Jack unlocked his phone and he read through the message. “There is a party at my house tonight, I need a server. 20 Dollars per hour, let me know if you are interested.” Jack was excited when he saw the message. He was about to jump into happiness, but he maintained his composure; his face was engulfed with smiles.He quickly replied to the message, “I am interested, send time and address.” “What is it,” Harry asked after seeing the expression on Jack’s face.“I got a job tonight and the pay is good,” He replied.“That’s nice, so where is it,” Harry asked.“Yeah, I know. It’s at Jordan’s apartment.”“Are you sure you want to do this?” Harry intoned.Jack nodded his head in response, he knew he would make a lot of money. A student party usually lasts for six to five hours and making 20 dollars per hour would help him achieve most of the req
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Jack stopped, turning to face Eric, who stood beside Jordan.“You can’t go like that when I am still dressed like this,” Eric said. “You would need to take off your shirt and use it to clean the floor. That way I will be satisfied.”Jack’s eyes widened in shock, “what.” He said with a low tone while shaking his head in disapproval.He glanced at Jordan, whose hands were folded below his chest; Jack wasn’t willing to do it. Eric unleashed his anger at him by grabbing his collar and yelling at him, Jack’s face was covered with Eric’s saliva.“You had better do it or you will have yourself to blame,” he said.The music stopped and people gathered around to witness what was happening between Eric Hilton and the low-life Jack.Elvis tossed back, grabbed a drink from the table and poured it on Jack from his head, the drink cascaded down his body.Jack felt a surge of frustration and anger welling up inside of him. “That is for disobeying my order. I want you to take it off, and wipe the me
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The next day, Jack was still seated in his room. He felt bad after what happened the previous night. His name has been the topic of the day, and his picture has been used as a meme and has been posted in the school group.His video surfaced on the internet. Jack didn’t feel like going to school that day, but suddenly he heard a knock on his door. It was so hard that his door was shaking and almost fell.Jack and Harry exchanged glances at each other. “Who could that be,” Harry asked, checking his phone screen.Jack got up from the bed and strode towards the door, he swung it open. He was shocked by the faces he saw standing before him.Jesse Warren, Jordan Norman, the Hilton twins and the school security guards, as well as a few other students, came to witness the scene.“What are you doing here,” he asked.“Shut up, you thief. How dare you steal from me, you think someone wouldn’t see you. You lied, man; everyone saw you.” Jesse blurted out angrily.“What are you talking about,” Ja
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He grabbed the picture, his eyes fixed on it. He looks at his senior butler confusedly, before shifting his eyes back to the picture.The face seemed familiar to him; she looked exactly like his first love, whom his parents were against him getting married to some years back.“Master, are you alright.” His senior butler asked, after seeing the expression on his face.He sighed deeply, and he got into the car; he instructed his driver to drive fast to the hospital. He needs to know how the young man got the picture of the love of his life.Jack blinked his eyes open, the sterile scent of a hospital room filling his senses. Confusion clouded his mind as he tried to piece together what happened.He shifted, wincing at the dull ache that pulsed through his body; his vision became clear as he found his grandmother seated beside his bed, with her face worried. Next to his grandmother was his aunt Veronica. He switched his gaze towards the sofa, where he found a man seated with his face fil
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As they drove through the tree-line driveway, Jack had his eyes lingering around as he saw a vast estate stretched before him. He knew his father, who sat beside him, was wealthy, but seeing the mansion for the first time was something entirely new. The sprawling ground was immaculately maintained, with manicured gardens, sparkling fountains and sculptures adorning the landscape.The car screeched at the front entrance of the mansion, Jack drew a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. The mansion itself was a towering edifice of marble and grass, with towering columns and ornate carvings. It was like something out of a fairytale, like a dream he was yet to wake from.“We have arrived, son. Welcome to your new home.” Mr. Harrison said softly.Jack looked at him as a small smile curved on his lips. He saw how the guards were lined up, and one of them parted the door open for both him and his father. Jack’s gaze moved to where his aunty Veronica and grandmother were.He felt underdre
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He got up from his seat, pressed a button on his desk, and a large screen descended from the ceiling and positioned itself on the wall to their right. With a few clicks to the remote, the screen came to life, displaying a series of charts and graphs.Jack’s eyes shone in shock, darting his gaze from his father to the screen. Mr Harrison beams at his son. He handed his son a document on the desk; knowing Jack was the best in the department, his father believed he would understand what was written in the document.Jack opened it slowly as he skimmed through the pages, switching his gaze from the document to the screen.“We own a significant number of companies, both directly and through various holdings.” Mr. Harrison said, “Let me show you.” He began, and the first slide displayed the name. “Matrix Holdings,” which is the parent company under which all their business interests were consolidated.Jack’s eyes widened as he read the names of companies listed, he was surprised to see some
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The well-dressed man isn’t moved by his words; he continues to berate the young girl; the girl happens to be Anna, Jack’s friend. “You clumsy idiot, Do you have any idea how much this suit cost,” he yelled at her.Anna was trembling, her eyes widened in fear, “ it was a mistake, I am sorry. Please, forgive me.” She begged with her face etched with worries and her voice quivering slightly.The man was about to raise his hand to slap her again when he noticed his hand was held tight. He tried to remove it but he couldn’t. Jack’s face was engrossed with rage and his eyes blazing like fire waiting to consume.“That’s enough, let her go,” he said in an authoritative tone.The crowd gasped in surprise; they exchanged glances at each other. Seeing a young man challenge someone who seems older than him, although Jack wasn’t properly dressed, unlike the other man who wore a well-designed suit from a well-known brand. The man looked at Jack from top to bottom and back to the top again. “Wh
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Jack gave the man a cold glance and a small smile formed immediately by the side of his lips, “I would advise you to apologize to her, and not me apologizing to you,” Jack said with his voice dripping with confidence.Steven found Jack’s statement annoying, he felt Jack was insulting him. “How can I apologize to this thing here?” he says with his voice filled with contempt and disdain.Jack got angry and was about to grab the man by his collar when he remembered the crowd were watching him and he remembered what his grandmother taught him about respecting his elders. Jack inhales and exhales softly, letting air out of his mouth.“I will pay you $200,000, and if you dare lay your hand against her skin again. Then consider yourself a dead man.”Jack turned to call the cashier to come over, so he could make the payment. Olivia’s heart squeezed in her chest, as she was engulfed with different thoughts. “Is Jack really serious about making payments? Where did he get the money from.” She mu
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Jack exhaled “You must do it, I wouldn’t like to repeat myself. Do it now before…..” Steve didn’t allow Jack to finish his statement, he raised his voice. “Before what, I will do no such thing. How do you expect the manager of Novaland Restaurant to apologize to a common staff?”“Yes, you must apologize to her.” A deep voice spoke from the staircase behind. An elderly man with bald hair steps forward, with a serious demeanor.Everyone cleared a path for him, as he made his way towards the center. Anna saw her boss for the first time. The other staff were surprised to see the owner of the boutique. Mr. Nicolas Johnson.“Who are you and why are you here,” Steve asked.Nicolas Johnson had been watching the scene from the staircase and no one, not even his staff, noticed he was there.He turned towards Jack, ‘I am sorry for the inconvenience, and I will stand by you. This man is here.” He said, pointing at Steve. “ Must apologize to the lady.” His voice was deep and echoed through the h
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