Author: Kieva

In the serene ambience of the school library at Crestview University, soft sunlight filtered through the large window. Casting a warm glow over the row of neatly arranged bookshelves. With students scattered throughout the space engrossed in their studies.

Jack Smith was seated alone by the corner of the library. He was hungry and his stomach was gurgling loudly, causing other students to stare at him in disgust.

Jack Smith is known as an errand boy in school. He was from a poor family, and he did several jobs to survive. He managed to gain admission into Crestview through a scholarship.

He shoved his hand into his pants pocket, he brought out ten dollars from his pocket, a smile curved on his lips. Jack Stood up from his seat, grabbed his bag and sauntered towards the exit of the library.

On his way out he met Eric and Elvis Hilton, the two famous twins in Crestview. They are known for always bullying other students. The twins had been reported on several occasions, but the school management hadn’t done anything because their parents are well known in the City.

Jack’s expression entwined from happiness to sadness, his heart beat fast in anticipation. He was about to rush back to the library when Elvis gripped his school bag tightly, causing him to lose track, and he fell.

“Where do you think you are going Jack,” Elvis asked in a serious tone.

Jack was mute, he maintained a downward gaze. “I asked a question Jack Smith, where did you think you were going.” He asked, repeating his question.

Jack was dragged to an empty hall by the twins. He swallowed hard, with his eye blinking profusely. “I was going back to the library, I forgot my book.” He managed to spill out.

Eric dragged Jack off the floor, pressing him against the wall. “You didn’t come to pay your weekly dues as usual. Remember you owe us $20 for last time, and now you are to make another payment, making it a total of $40.”

Jack gasped in surprise; he knew he didn’t have such an amount with him, and it would take him more weeks to work nonstop before he could get the money.

Elvis and Eric had been extorting money from Jack and the other poor students; it has turned into a normal habit for them, and the school management isn’t saying anything about it.

The vice chancellor is scared to utter a word to avoid getting into the Hilton’s bad book, so she keeps mute.

“I..i..don’t have any money with me.” Jack stuttered with his hands trembling.

Elvis and Eric both glare at him sarcastically, “What do you mean by you don’t have any money? Do you want to be beaten again?” Eric asked.

Jack shook his head in response. “No, please. Give me more time to work, I promise I will give you the money.” Jack said with an unsteady voice.

What nonsense, How can a student extort money from his fellow students like that?

Jack felt a surge of disappointment within him, he knew it would be difficult for the twins to let go of him. This is the second time he has requested more time to gather the money.

“Shut up, How long do you need again? We have given you enough time and we can’t let you go without searching you.” Eric blurted out.

The twins slapped Jack before Elvis dragged his bag. He threw his books to the floor and found nothing.

“What rubbish, you don’t have our money with you,” Eric said angrily, throwing the empty bag at Jack’s face.

Elvis tossed Jack to face the wall while he thoroughly searched his pocket, he had ten dollars with him. “So you were lying to us, that you got no money with you. What is this.” He asked, showing him the money.

“Please, that’s all I have left with me. Don’t take it from me,” Jack pleaded with his heart-tugging in pain, knowing the last money he had budgeted would be taken away from him by the twins of Gordon Hilton.

Eric took two steps forward and unleashed a punch at Jack’s stomach, he fell to the floor with his face facing downward. As he moaned in pain, Elvis used his foot to kick him again causing more pain to Jack.

“This is for lying to us if by the weekend you didn’t bring the remaining balance. Consider yourself dead, or you had better still run away from Crestview.” Eric threatened with a serious demeanor.

The twins walked away from the hall, leaving Jack alone. His face was engrossed with sadness and disgrace, he crawled to where his bag was kept while trying to move forward to gather his books. Anna ambled towards him. She helped him get up and he placed his waist on a seat close to him.

She had been standing outside the door, she had witnessed everything that was done to Jack and how the Hilton twins showed their true colour.

She moved back, helping him shove his books into his bag. After she was though she handed the bag to him.

“Thank you, Anna,” Jack said in a grateful tone.

“You are welcome,” she replied.

Jack and Anna are friends; they came to Crestview through a scholarship, and they are known in the school for being the most outstanding students since their first year.

But Anna had a better background than Jack; her parents worked at a supermarket close to the school, and she would always join them after school or whenever she was free so she could earn money. Unlike Jack who had to work different shifting jobs to help himself and his grandmother.

He took a deep breath and was about to go outside when Anna called his name.

“Jack, I want you to have this.” She said,

Jack stares at her hand and finds her holding a note. “ What,” he asked, with his brow raised.

“Please, Take this money. You can use it to get yourself something.” She said handing him $8.

Jack refused to take money from Anna, but she was persistent about him taking the money; Jack finally agreed. He thanked her for her generosity before he sauntered towards the exit.

Whilst he was heading towards his class, he kept a calm demeanor. He met Harry, his dorm mate, and they both greeted each other with their normal handshake.

“Are you okay, dude? What happened to your arm? Did you get into a fight with anyone?” He asked after seeing the bruising on his left arm.

“No, man. I fell, when rushing to the library.” He lied, he wouldn’t want Harry to know what happened.

Harry giggled, but when he saw the seriousness in Jack’s face, he shrugged as they began to walk slowly.

Jack received a message notification on his phone.

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