He got up from his seat, pressed a button on his desk, and a large screen descended from the ceiling and positioned itself on the wall to their right. With a few clicks to the remote, the screen came to life, displaying a series of charts and graphs.

Jack’s eyes shone in shock, darting his gaze from his father to the screen. Mr Harrison beams at his son. He handed his son a document on the desk; knowing Jack was the best in the department, his father believed he would understand what was written in the document.

Jack opened it slowly as he skimmed through the pages, switching his gaze from the document to the screen.

“We own a significant number of companies, both directly and through various holdings.” Mr. Harrison said, “Let me show you.” He began, and the first slide displayed the name. “Matrix Holdings,” which is the parent company under which all their business interests were consolidated.

Jack’s eyes widened as he read the names of companies listed, he was surprised to see some of the top companies listed below the Matrix holding. He was even more surprised to know that his father owns the matrix holding a company he was assigned to research once during one of his seminars in school.

“In each of these companies, we owe the highest shares, about 30- 40 per cent shares.”

Jack hoisted his head to look at his father who gave him a nod. Jack was struggling to hold his composure, his mind racing as he tried to comprehend the vastness of their empire. “Dad, this is incredible. The influence the family has in the industry is huge, I had no idea.” He said looking surprised.

Mr. Harrison moved forward, with a serious expression. “Son, you are part of the legacy that has been built over generations. Our family’s influence spans multiple sectors and continents. This is why your return is so important, you have a role to play in continuing and expanding this legacy.”

He paused, “But first, you will need to finish your studies; everything takes time. I have created a team of executives and advisors to help you. I want you to take an active role, learn, observe and contribute.”

Jack inhales softly, “Thank you, Dad. I will do everything I can to live up to your expectations.”

Mr Harrison moved towards his son and placed his hands on Jack’s shoulder. “I do not doubt you will. But you need to understand that everything comes as a task; your first task is to graduate with good grades, after which I will show you the next task; each task will not only determine if you will take over. But it will help you prepare for the future.”

Mr. Harrison walked towards his desk, he brought out an envelope and handed it to his son. “I want you to open it,” he said, instructing Jack.

Jack did as instructed, he shoved out a black premium card and an expensive phone from the envelope.

“That is your card and inside the account is one billion dollars, and it will increase with time when you pass more tasks that are on the way. The phone is yours, all your documents have been transferred to your new phone.”

Jack was dumbfounded; he didn’t know what to say, but inside of him, he was more than excited. Some weeks ago, he was working several Jobs to make money, and now he has been handed a premium card with a whopping sum of money in it.

Jack cleaned his eyes with his hand to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating. But everything seems real to him.

“Thank you, Dad.” He said, getting up from his seat to hug Mr Harrison.

“Before I forget, I will be travelling tonight for an important business meeting. Kelvin will stay with you, I have instructed him on what to do. Your classes start tomorrow, remember to take care of yourself and be a good boy.” He said, patting his back, before he stepped out of the study room.

Jack was excited, and he didn’t notice when Kelvin entered the room; Kelvin cleared his throat, signalling Jack that he wasn’t the only person in the room.

He turned to see Kelvin, and he immediately maintained a casual outlook; they both smiled.

The following morning Jack’s heart was pounding with a mix of excitement and disbelief as he stared at the black card in his hand. A billion dollars to spend, he sighed heavily and a small smile curved on his lips. The memories of his conversations with his father before he was given the card flashed before his mind. He knew he had to spend wisely and not spend like the rich dudes in school.

He was ready to spend the money on something meaningful, the thought of going to a boutique to get himself some nice outfits engulfed his mind. Jack got up and texted Kelvin about his new plan for the day. After a few minutes, Jack was dressed and found himself standing at the entrance of the mansion, the car door was parted wide for him as he entered.

Within thirty minutes, he was standing in front of a luxury boutique in the city with Kelvin behind him, one which he would never dream of visiting. He stepped through the glass doors, feeling the cool air of the boutique washing over him. The interior was a world of elegance and sophistication, mannequins dressed in the latest fashion stood like sentinels and racks of designer clothing lined the walls.

A beautiful salesperson approached him with a smile. “Good morning, sir. How may I assist you today.”

Jack, still feeling overwhelmed, reciprocated the smile. “I am here to shop for some nice designers.”

The sales personnel, who was still maintaining a smiling face, mouthed politely. “Please, follow me, sir, this way.”

Jack followed her from behind; he marvelled at the array of clothing and accessories. Each piece seemed more extravagant than the last, and he could hardly believe that all of this was within his reach. He began to select items, choosing from casual and formal wear, enjoying the feeling of the luxurious fabric.

Jack was examining a particular leather jacket when he heard some noise coming from the other side of the store, he noticed how people were gathered at the scene. Jack was still focused on what he was doing, but the scene was becoming more chaotic; he moved closer to take a glance, but to his surprise, he found someone familiar being bullied by an unknown man.

“What is going on here?” Jack said with a serious and deep voice.

Everyone turned to know where the voice was coming from.

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