As they drove through the tree-line driveway, Jack had his eyes lingering around as he saw a vast estate stretched before him. He knew his father, who sat beside him, was wealthy, but seeing the mansion for the first time was something entirely new. The sprawling ground was immaculately maintained, with manicured gardens, sparkling fountains and sculptures adorning the landscape.

The car screeched at the front entrance of the mansion, Jack drew a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. The mansion itself was a towering edifice of marble and grass, with towering columns and ornate carvings. It was like something out of a fairytale, like a dream he was yet to wake from.

“We have arrived, son. Welcome to your new home.” Mr. Harrison said softly.

Jack looked at him as a small smile curved on his lips. He saw how the guards were lined up, and one of them parted the door open for both him and his father. Jack’s gaze moved to where his aunty Veronica and grandmother were.

He felt underdressed for such luxury, his eyes were roaming around, taking sight of the massive double doors opening before him.

Mr. Harrison smiled, he could fathom his son’s expressions. He has lived his life in poverty, he patted Jack’s shoulder.

“This is yours. Come on, we still have a lot to do.” Mr. Harrison said.

Jack watched as the guards and servants bowed their heads at them; he turned to face his grandmother, who smiled at him. Jack sighed in relief.

As they stepped into the house, Jack couldn’t help but marvel at the interior. A crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting shimmering light across the marble floor, the walls were adorned with priceless artwork, and the furniture was a blend of unique antique elegance and modern sophistication. Jack felt like he had stepped into a different world.

“Welcome to your new home, Jack.” He said with a deep voice.

“Thank you, father. This place looks amazing.” Jack uttered softly.

Mr. Harrison smiled, “I am glad you think so,” he said, placing his right hand on Jack’s shoulder.

“The maids will show you all to your room, and they will inform you when the table is set. We need to celebrate your return, Jack.”

Mr. Harrison snapped his finger and the maids stepped forward, helping Jack, Aunty Veronica and His grandmother. They were led towards their various rooms.

Jack ambled inside his room, he couldn’t take his eyes off the interior, the king-size bed. His eyes widened in disbelief, he pinched himself to be sure he wasn’t dreaming but everything was still the same.

“Master, Welcome home. You can call me if you need my assistance.” The maid said with her head tilted in respect.

“Thank you,” Jack replied smiling.

“The dining will be set in thirty minutes,” she said before moving towards the exit of the room.

Jack was excited, he moved towards the window, where he could see the city and several tall buildings. With his eyes closed Jack drew a deep breath in relief.

He fell on the king-sized bed as he was engulfed with happiness and joy.

Jack got up and hurriedly walked into the bathroom, marvelling at the design and how large it was. He turned on the shower allowing the water to cascade down his body freely.

Jack was happy knowing that he wouldn’t be bullied again and he wouldn’t be humiliated by those who think they are rich, he was happy he found his father after several years.

After several hours, the family dinner was through. Jack had one of the best times in his life, he tasted several dishes and enjoyed his time with his family. He was excited seeing his grandmother and aunty with him, knowing he was not the only person enjoying that moment.

Mr. Harrison was excited, he felt like he had accomplished his long dream, but he still wished Sarah was there to witness that moment.

Jack was seated in front of a desk going through some of the business textbooks he found there. He was surprised that such textbooks were in the room, and he wanted to ask who owned them but there was no one in the room to ask. Then he heard a knock on the door which interrupted him.

Kelvin, the senior butler, walked in; he greeted Jack and mouthed softly. “Young master Jack, your father is ready to see you in the study room.”

“Okay, hold on a minute. Let me put these books back,” he said softly.

Jack followed Kelvin as they made their way through the corridor that was filled with the echoes of their footsteps against the marble floor.

Kelvin led him to a pair of heavy wooden doors, with two guards standing in front. They tilted their heads when they saw Jack and Kelvin and helped them part the door open.

“Your father is waiting for you, young master,” Kelvin said as he stopped behind, leaving Jack to amble inside.

At first, Jack was surprised when he noticed Kevin wasn’t coming but signalled him to step inside. He bent slightly before stepping into the study room.

The study room was large, an imposing room lined with dark wooden bookshelves filled with leather-bound volumes. The scent of paper and polished wood engrossed the ambience, giving the room a timeless quality. A massive mahogany desk stood near the window; behind the desk, he found his father seated with his face etched with excitement.

“Jack, come in.” Mr. Harrison said, looking up from the stack of documents with his voice deep and resonant.

Jack steps into the room trying to exude confidence. “Good evening, Dad.” He said calmly.

“Good evening, son. Please, have a seat.” Mr. Harrison said, gesturing to the leather chair in front of his desk.

Jack sat down facing his father, who kept a smiling face; Mr Harrison was quiet; he was trying to study his son before speaking. “How are you feeling?”

“I am feeling better, thank you. Still trying to adapt to my new life.” He said.

Mr Harrison smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes as he stared at his son. “That’s good to hear,” he said, adjusting himself.

“There is something important we need to discuss, there is much for you to catch up on. And I want to start by giving you an overview of our family business interests.” Mr Harrison said smoothly.

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