He grabbed the picture, his eyes fixed on it. He looks at his senior butler confusedly, before shifting his eyes back to the picture.

The face seemed familiar to him; she looked exactly like his first love, whom his parents were against him getting married to some years back.

“Master, are you alright.” His senior butler asked, after seeing the expression on his face.

He sighed deeply, and he got into the car; he instructed his driver to drive fast to the hospital. He needs to know how the young man got the picture of the love of his life.

Jack blinked his eyes open, the sterile scent of a hospital room filling his senses. Confusion clouded his mind as he tried to piece together what happened.

He shifted, wincing at the dull ache that pulsed through his body; his vision became clear as he found his grandmother seated beside his bed, with her face worried. Next to his grandmother was his aunt Veronica.

He switched his gaze towards the sofa, where he found a man seated with his face filled with concern and relief as they noticed him awake.

“Thank goodness you are awake, Jack.” His grandmother exclaimed, her voice shaking slightly.

The man leaned forward, his expression a mix of relief and joy. “Jack, How are you feeling?” He said.

“Please call the doctor,” the man instructed the other man standing close to the door.

Jack seemed confused, his gaze switched from the man to his grandmother and aunt. He tried to remember everything that happened; he remembered how he was beaten by the four students. His mind was filled with pain and sadness. He wished he was born into a rich family, this would not be happening to him.

The doctor came and checked Jack and noticed Jack was fine and he could go home. He informed the people besides Jack about his condition, and their minds were relieved knowing everything was fine, and he was free to go when he liked.

“Who are you,” Jack asked the elderly man in a black suit with his voice filled with uncertainty and curiosity.

The man stared at his grandmother and his aunt, he drew a deep breath in relief. “ I am your father.” He said calmly with mixed feelings.

Jack’s eyes widened in disbelief, all this while he thought the man might have accompanied his aunt, Veronica. Only for the man to spill out a heavy punchline that got him thinking.

“Father, how,” he asked confusingly.

The room was filled with abrupt silence as they all stared at each other without uttering a word, Jack felt sceptical

He demanded an explanation. The man before him seemed to be a rich man because his clothes and wristwatch were from a big brand.

The man cleared his throat as he leaned forward with his palms rubbing against each other. “I am Harrison Campbell, I am your father. Your mom and I used to be lovers, but things didn’t go as planned, my parents were against us getting married all because your mother came from a poor background. I had no idea she was pregnant.” He uttered.

His voice dripped with emotion as he unleashed words, “I had looked for her after she left, and I couldn’t find her; all my efforts seem to be in vain.”

Jack was dumbfounded, his gaze at his grandmother who nodded her head intermittently in agreement. “How did you find me?” He uncomfortably asked.

“While I was driving back home from the airport, I found you by the roadside unconscious. I asked my men to carry you, while they followed my instructions. Something fell off your bag and I found this picture.” He said, showing him the picture.

“I took her this picture myself, at our family garden.”

Jack felt a surge of pain coursing through his veins, as he listened to the man’s words. All these years, no one had made any statements about his father; the only thing they said was that he lost his mother in a car accident.

“I am sorry, I have failed you and your mother. But I am here now to take care of you and the remaining family members,” he said, assuring them.

“How am I sure you are not faking it and why is my surname different from yours.”

“I asked the doctor to conduct the DNA test and everything confirmed that you are my son.” He replied softly.

“Jack,” his grandmother called his name while gripping his hand.

“He is telling you the truth, I am sorry. I had hid it from you all this while, I was only following your mother’s instructions. Harrison is your father, and Smith is not your surname, but Campbell is your real surname.”

Jack shook his head as he listened intently to his grandmother’s words; each word that she spilt out of his mouth made Jack emotional. His grandmother couldn’t hold it again as tears began to shimmer down her cheeks.

After a few moments, His father instructed the guards to gather all of Jack’s property. They walked towards the exit of the hospital. Just then, Jack noticed how cars were lined up in straight formation.

His father moved closer to one of the Rolls Royces, and the guards did the needful by parting the door for him with the guard’s head leaned forward slightly.

Jack was shocked, he stood still at his spot with his mouth open.

“Jack, Jack.” His aunt Veronica called Jack out of his reveries.

His father Sauntered towards him, “Son, you don’t need to be scared, these are my guards. They all came here because of you and they are ready to follow your orders.”

“Come with me, I am here to take you home. I want you to experience a new life, not the life you grew up with.” He said holding Jack’s hand.

Jack followed him after sighting his grandmother and aunt in one of the cars and he noticed how the guards treated them with respect, putting his mind at ease.

He followed his father, and they entered the back seat of the car, and they drove away, hitting the road, taking the route to the mansion.

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