The next day, Jack was still seated in his room. He felt bad after what happened the previous night. His name has been the topic of the day, and his picture has been used as a meme and has been posted in the school group.

His video surfaced on the internet. Jack didn’t feel like going to school that day, but suddenly he heard a knock on his door. It was so hard that his door was shaking and almost fell.

Jack and Harry exchanged glances at each other.

“Who could that be,” Harry asked, checking his phone screen.

Jack got up from the bed and strode towards the door, he swung it open. He was shocked by the faces he saw standing before him.

Jesse Warren, Jordan Norman, the Hilton twins and the school security guards, as well as a few other students, came to witness the scene.

“What are you doing here,” he asked.

“Shut up, you thief. How dare you steal from me, you think someone wouldn’t see you. You lied, man; everyone saw you.” Jesse blurted out angrily.

“What are you talking about,” Jack asked with a confused expression on his face.

The school security walked into the room, “Jack Smith, we were informed that you stole from Jesse Warren, last night. We would like to search your room to know if it is true or not.” The elderly man said.

Jack was surprised, he was sure he didn’t take anything that didn’t belong to him. He checked his bag thoroughly before leaving the party.

He shrugged his shoulders as he allowed the security guards to search his room.

The men started the search process and then moved from one angle of the room to another. They found his school bag close to his table, the guard checked his bag, throwing his book carelessly on the floor.

“I can’t steal anything, I was trained to never take things that are not mine. You guys are just trying to say things you are not sure of.” Jack said boldly.

“Jack, Are you the owner of this watch and necklace?” The security asked.

Jack was frozen; he stared at his dorm mate, Harry. Jack shook his head in disbelief, he knew he hadn’t taken the necklace and Watch. But how did it get into his bag is what he couldn’t understand.

The students outside the room scream out. “ He is a thief.”

“Jack Smith, you took the necklace. You are a thief.”

“I didn’t take anything, I didn’t know how it got into my bag,” Jack said, trying to defend himself.

“Shut up. You stole it, and you can’t deny it. You are a thief and a thief must face punishment from the school management.” Jesse said.

Jack tried explaining but the guards weren’t willing to listen to his words. He was dragged to the vice chancellor’s office,

Jack found himself before the Vice-chancellor; his face was drenched in sweat, and his clothes had been torn after the series of humiliations he faced from other students while he was being taken to the vice-chancellor’s office.

The vice chancellor listened to both parties; she knew Jack was telling the truth, but she couldn’t side with him. Jesse’s father is a well-respected figure in Queensland.

She would willingly side with Jesse even if he knew what Jesse and her friends were capable of doing.

“Jack, I have known you to be a good student and the best academic student Crestview has ever had since its history. I never knew you were a thief, I have received numerous complaints from students at your dorm. And they all are pointing at you for the things that have been missing for a long time.”

She paused and continued, “ Jack Smith, In Crestview, stealing is a big offence. For the sake of our reputation, you are hereby expelled from this institution. You have less than two hours to pack and leave the school premises.” She said,

Jack Smith felt a surge of pain and frustration within, his hope of becoming great through education has been shattered. He knelt and screamed in pain, he was dragged out of the office and thrown out of the school gate.

He stood close to the gate, staring as the gate closed at him. Jesse and his friends mocked him, and students mocked Jack, calling him different names which made him feel disappointed.

Jack moved away from the school to avoid further humiliation, he refused to go back to his grandmother’s house. He wouldn’t want to cause her more pain, so he thought about staying around and working to earn money.

Whilst he was going to one of his part-time jobs, a small car stopped in front of him. The Hilton twins came down alongside Jessie and Jordan Norman.

Jack wasn’t moved by their sudden appearance, he furrowed his brow. His eyes were burning in fury.

“What do you want? After accusing me wrongly you still followed me down here.” He asked with his voice brimming with anger.

The guys giggled at him, “Look who’s talking, We don’t have time for that. We came here to give you a present.” Jesse said.

They gathered around him, with their fist clenched. “let’s teach him a lesson,” Patrick said,

Before Jack could utter a word, a punch landed on his mouth; he fell to the floor, grunting In pain. He could taste blood in his mouth, they continued to unleash more punches to his face while using their legs to kick him.

Jesse and his friends heard the sound of revved engines coming towards their direction, they quickly got into their car and drove away.

Jack was left lying helplessly on the floor, he was unconscious after receiving a heavy beating from the four university students.

Four Rolls Royce stopped in front of Jack, an elderly man in his sixties came out with his butter and his guards were all standing in a straight formation. He stares at the young man lying on the floor, with blood gushing out by the side of his mouth.

His butler walked towards the young man, “Master, he is still alive.”

“Let’s take him to the hospital,” the man said. He felt pity for the young man who was beaten.

Jack was carried by the guards into the car, but something caught the elderly man’s attention. It was a picture that fell from Jack’s bag.

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