The ticking of the wall clock sounded serene in the living room. Morning sunlight filtering through the curtains added warmth to the room. Luna, still in her light blue silk nightgown, sat at the dining table with a cup of hot coffee in her hands. Her mind wandered, pondering why her husband, Lucas, hadn't come home all night.

The front door slowly creaked open, and the sound of Lucas's footsteps approached. Luna turned, seeing her husband looking extremely tired. His eyes were puffy, his hair disheveled, and his face showed signs of lack of sleep. Lucas tried to smile, but the smile couldn't hide the exhaustion and turmoil on his face.

“Where have you been all night, was there something urgent?” Luna greeted with a gentle yet questioning tone.

Lucas nodded briefly, trying to avoid his wife's gaze. "It was—I had some matters to attend to," he replied shortly.

Luna looked at Lucas with full attention. "Where did you go last night? I was worried," repeated Luna, impatient to get a defin
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