You Again

Bianca frowned upon hearing Vanessa mention a name that was so familiar to her.

"I always thought LH Tower belonged to Hudo or Patric," she said with eager curiosity.

Vanessa smiled mysteriously, adding an element of tension to their conversation.

"It turns out it's neither of them. The actual owner is Lucas," Vanessa said with a faint smile.

"You mean Lucas, my ex-boyfriend?" Bianca exclaimed, her eyes widening.

Vanessa nodded firmly, providing certainty in her answer. "Yes, Lucas is the official owner of LH Tower. He holds full control over the company."

Those words echoed in Bianca's mind. Her heart raced; she never imagined her ex-boyfriend wielded such power. Thoughts of Lucas began to fill her mind. Her conversation with Vanessa motivated her to approach Lucas again with newfound confidence.

Vanessa, being Bianca's close friend, understood her intentions. She also realized how successful Lucas had become, far exceeding their expectations.

"I still can't believe Lucas has come th
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