Ensnare A Lover

Bianca stood in front of the mirror, closely following herself. A sly smile was etched on her face as she imagined Lucas returning to her arms. However, his daydream was interrupted by the sound of a knock on the door.

Bianca turned her head and let out a long sigh.

"Oh, Harry," she murmured. "Why did you have to come now?"

He walked towards the door and opened it with a forced smile. In front of the door, Harry stood with a hopeful face.

"Bianca, I miss you," said Harry, his voice soft but emphatic. "I want us to go back to living together."

Bianca stared at Harry for a moment, looking for the right words to dodge his request.

"Harry, I am... I still have a lot of work, " he said slowly.

Harry frowned. "Why? Aren't We Happy Together?"

Bianca pretended to think for a moment, then sighed.

"Not so, Harry. I just need time to prepare for my career."

Harry stepped forward, approaching Bianca. "I can help you.”

Bianca smiled faintly, holding back the frustrated urge. "I know, Harry. But
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