Smart Daughter

Luna stood in front of a large window in her office, looking out at the busy city.

Behind those tall buildings, he knew that the biggest challenge came from within his own family.

Patrison, his father, has always underestimated him since he decided to run the company he once built with his late mother.

"Luna, I need to talk to you," his father's voice interrupted his thoughts. Patrison entered without knocking, as usual.

"Please, Dad. What do you want to talk about?” Luna asked, trying to keep her tone professional.

Patrison looked at him intently. “You know this company better under my control. You're just a young lady who knows nothing about business.”

Luna grinned her teeth. “This company is the result of the hard work of my mother and me. I won't just hand it over.”

Patrison snorted. “You are stubborn like your mother. But remember, I have the power in this family.”

That night, Luna came home with a heavy heart. Lucas, her husband, was waiting for her in the living room.

He kne
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