Luna's Anger
In the luxurious living room of the Patrison family home, the atmosphere was tense. Patrison sat in a plush chair, a sly smile etched on his face. Beside him, his brother Terry watched closely, waiting for the next move. Across from them, Luna sat with a serious expression, trying to understand the hidden intentions behind this conversation.

"Luna, there's something I want to talk to you about," Patrison said, trying to sound friendly. "It's about LH Tower."

Luna raised an eyebrow, eyeing her father suspiciously. "What about LH Tower, Dad?" She sensed something amiss, wondering why her husband's company was being mentioned here.

Patrison sighed, pretending to look wise. "I think it's time for us, as a family, to take a bigger role in the management of LH Tower. Lucas, your husband, has many responsibilities, and I'm sure he would agree to share some shares or at least give us important positions." His eyes gleamed with his intention.

Luna felt her blood boil at her father's request, hi
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