Too fancy

Harrison sighed as he looked at the black card in his hands, he just didn't know how to feel at this moment. Just like that, he went from someone with nothing to someone who had $100, 000, 000 and it was merely for his upkeep.

His brain couldn't process what was going on. Could it be that fate was playing tricks on him, well, that shouldn't be the case, he was sure about it.

Sighing, Harrison pushed the thoughts out of his mind, he knew that it was time for him to give the life his wife deserved to him. His inlaw's net worth wasn't even ten percent of the Sterling Co-operation. No one would bully or insult him again, he wasn't useless and he was going to show them all.

Looking around, Harrison saw a shop where they were selling bouquets. It would be nice to buy one for his wife to show his appreciation. Besides, she deserved it a lot.

Thinking like this, Harrison walked into the flower shop with a smile on his face. The assistants in the shop frowned seeing the way Harrison was dressed. What the hell was someone like him doing here?

Didn't he know that the shop wasn't an ordinary bouquet shop, Instead, all they sold were rare flowers that had a lot of fragrance, thus ordinary people were not able to afford them?

He was probably here to look at the flowers as they were sure that he wouldn't be able to afford them. What a letdown. Even though the assistants thought like this, they didn't dare to show it and warmly welcomed Harrison into the store.

Harrison on the other hand frowned slightly seeing the suppressed disgust on the assistant's face. Why the hell were they looking down on him, it was not as if he couldn't afford what he wanted to buy.

Besides, wasn't it just ordinary Flowers? At most, it was going to cost five dollars, so why the hell were they looking down on him? But then Harrison couldn't care less about it and directly walked to look at the flowers wondering which one his wife would like.

He had known her over the years and was sure that she wouldn't like something too fancy, she would prefer something more ordinary. Besides, the flowers in here had a very strong fragrance and he was sure that it was the real deal.

Besides, his wife was allergic to some flowers so he had to choose carefully and couldn't choose too hastily.

Looking around for a while, a flower caught Harrison's attention. Even though the flower was just looking ordinary, Harrison felt there was something about this flower. Its pure white petals looked so stunning that he couldn't help but look at it for a long time.

"And here you are Harrison." A voice came just as Harrison was about to talk to the assistants that he wanted the flower.

Harrison's face turned black as he turned around to look at the source of the voice.

"What do you want, Janet?" Harrison frowned as he stared at the woman in front of him.

"Nothing." Janet smiled as she walked closer to Harrison.

"O see you're here to pick a flower for your dear wife, so which one did you choose?" Janet continued as if she didn't notice the displeasure on Harrison's face.

"None of your business." Harrison frowned.

"Well, if you're helpless and don't know which one to pick, how about I choose one for you." Janet smiled as he walked past Harrison looking at the flower he was looking at just now.

Seeing the flower, a smile appeared on her lips as a glint flashed through her eyes.

"I don't need your help in doing anything," Harrison replied as he planned to ignore Janet.

Janet had been his college coursemate and she had always looked down on him since that time. Besides his inability to do some things had earned him the ridicule of his classmates.. Even though he was very hardworking, he was still looked down upon and despised.

It was obvious that Janet was here to cause trouble and even a fool could tell. But then Harrison didn't want to listen to her.

"Hey shop assistant," Janet suddenly said beckoning to one of the assistants.

"This young man here wants to buy this flower, hurry up and pack it for him."


Harrison froze upon hearing Janet's words, What the hell was she thinking? When did he tell her that he was going to buy the flower? Looking back at the flower, he saw it was the one he had been staring at just now.

But then for Janet to say something like that, it seemed like something was off, the flower couldn't be ordinary. It had to be something rare, or else, she wouldn't have gone so far as to help him call the shop assistant.

But then after a second thought, a smile appeared on Harrison's face, his wife didn't deserve ordinary things anyway, so he might as well buy it for her. Besides, he had the money to get it. The flower couldn't cost $100, 000, 000. Besides, even if it cost that amount, he was now a billionaire heir and could afford to squander money the way he wanted.

"Sir, I'm afraid you can't buy this flower." The assistant who was called over frowned as he looked at Harrison.

"How dare you say that, don't you know who he is? He can very much afford the flower no matter how much it is." Janet exploded just before Harrison could say anything.

"I..." The assistant shuttered not knowing what to say. He was just trying to be polite and help the poor man.

But it seems like the woman was bent on causing trouble for the man and thus he was powerless.

"Are you still hesitating? Or do you want me to see your manager?" Janet frowned as she stared at the assistant.

By now the onlookers. were white worried for Harrison as there was no way he could afford the flower the woman was about to make him buy. Besides, they were also not fools and could tell that this was a fight.

"Sir, you have to think about this very well, once removed from the glass we won't take it back and you have to pay regardless." The shop assistant sighed looking at Harrison's hoping he could say something.

But what would he say? People would look down on him if he didn't agree to buy the flower, what if he agreed and had no money to pay for it? Either of the two was not a good thing in any way.

"What the heck do you think you are saying? Are you looking down on this young man because of the way he's dressed?" Janet sneered as he ridiculed the assistants, "Let me tell you, all your net worths aren't even half of his put together."

"Ma'am please don't be annoyed, I'm just saying this because the flower in that case is a rare flower called Kadupul flower." The assistant sighed feeling rather conflicted.

"So that's the Kadupul flower!" One of the onlookers muttered in shock as they stared at the flower.

"Which flower is that?"

"That's the Kadupul flower, also known as the night queen as it only blooms in the night, Besides, it's very rare and would cost a fortune."

"I think that man is doomed, there's no way he'll be able to afford them flowers."

"Sir, are you still willing to get this flower? Its price is ten thousand dollars." The shop assistant sighed looking at Harrison expectantly.

"And what do you think you're doing? Trying to convince him against buying the flower, didn't you hear what I said earlier." Janet fumed as she stared at the assistant.

Though it appeared as if she was trying to defend Harrison's image, all knew that she was just trying to cause trouble and couldn't help but pity Harrison wondering what had gotten him involved with the crazy woman.

"Pack it up, I'll get the flower." Harrison's voice came just as the assistant was about to say something.

The shop assistant nodded meekly as he was out of words. Didn't Harrison know what Janet was trying to do and yet he was going to play along? It seemed like something was bound to happen to him.

The shop assistant couldn't help but fear for Harrison if the boss heard about this, there was no way he would let him go. Even though ten thousand dollars was not much in the boss's eyes, he was still not going to let Harrison off.

"Sir, how would you like to make your payment? Cash or card?" The shop assistant asked turning around to look at Harrison.

This was another rule of the shop, no one would take the flower before paying, This was to prevent the customers from saying they didn't want it again after soiling the flowers.

"Here." Harrison smiled, pulling out the card Ramon gave him from the pocket and giving it to the assistant.


The assistant froze seeing the card on Max's hands. This was the legendary black card. There were only three of these cards in the world and now he was seeing one.

Even though he had never seen one before, he heard stories about what they looked like and had never once seen the picture. Seeming the one with Harrison, he was rather shocked. What the hell was someone like him doing with that card? Could it be that he was a big shot who had come out to experience the world?

It seems like the woman had hit a wall this time around. Remembering the statement the woman made earlier, he couldn't help but shudder, it seemed like the statement she just casually made was right.

"Is anything wrong with the card?" Harrison's impatient voice came seeing the assistant staring at the card in his hands without taking it from him.

"No sir." The assistant replied hurriedly.

"Then take it," Harrison replied feeling rather annoyed with the assistant.

The assistant nodded and immediately took the card from Harrison and then hurried off to swipe it while still shaking.

"Harrison, you need not continue with your farce, we both know that you can't afford that night queen." Each strand is sold for ten thousand dollars because of its rarity and you'll buy it to make a bouquet, that'll be about twenty strands." Janet sneered immediately and the assistant ran off with the card.

"We'll see about that," Harrison smirked as he looked away.

The name of the flower "The night queen" fitted his wife the most and it was as if it was created for her. No one was worthy of this flower except for his wife.

"Hmph! fool" Janet sneered as she waited eagerly for Harrison to disgrace himself. She knew better than anyone that Harrison wouldn't be able to afford the flower and all his efforts were all just in vain.

"Sir, here's your card, and these are the flowers. You're welcome at our store anytime." The assistant who had gone with the card came back with an excited expression as she handed Harrison the bouquet.

This man in front of her had the legendary black card. Now she could brag in front of her friends that she had once touched the legendary black card, what a blessing!

"He paid?" Janet frowned as she looked at Harrison who collected the bouquet and the card.

"Yes ma'am." The assistant nodded, feeling rather excited.

"No need to think about it too much, Janet." Harrison smiled as he patted Janet on the shoulder leaving her dumbfounded as he walked out of the Store

Janet just couldn't process what was happening. How could Harrison have the money to buy the flowers, It had to be a lie. He had spent over two hundred thousand dollars on just a bouquet. It seemed like she was dreaming.

Or maybe did he rob the bank as there was no way he would have that amount of money. Yeah, that had to be the case. She had to report to the police so they could arrest him. He was a suspect since there was a bank robbery days ago and the criminals had escaped.

She was sure to be praised once he was caught. Thinking like this, Janet rushed out of the store wanting to go report to the Police what happened.

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