Chapter 104

I cannot remember how long I have been in this place. It could have been hours, or maybe even days. I am not sure, but all I know is that I have spent a very long time here.

But I have yet to find the meaning of the phrase spoken by Lord Centaur. My head is still full of unimportant thoughts.

"Argh...!" Why is it that when I want to clear my mind, unimportant things come and disturb my concentration?

"You have to let go of all the sluggishness in you, and you will find the true meaning of life."

I was stunned when I suddenly heard someone speaking. I looked for that person, but there was no one here but me. "Who are you?" I shouted, looking around.

But I got no answer. Just silence again. I took a deep breath and sat down again, cross-legged as before. I must concentrate again so that I can leave this place soon. Lord Centaur said that I would not leave this place of confinement until I understood what he meant.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Images of everything I had been
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