Chapter 55: Need to get stronger
As the group began to disperse, a few chose to linger, including Drew, Luna, and Tina.

Having been residents of the domain plane for some time, they had grown accustomed to its inhabitants and even forged friendships with a select few.

Upon learning of Elvis's recovery from his coma, the trio was overjoyed and hastened to pay him a visit.

"Drew, Luna, Tina, it's good to see you all," Elvis greeted them warmly.

With heads bowed in contrition, Drew spoke on behalf of the group. "Elvis, we're so sorry for what happened."

Elvis's smile was gentle as he surveyed his friends. He knew it was Charlotte who had brought them to this place, and he cast a knowing glance in her direction before refocusing his attention on the trio. "No need to apologize, guys. It wasn't your fault."

A palpable sense of relief washed over the group, lifting the heavy burden of guilt from their shoulders.

Luna, in particular, was overcome with emotion. She threw her arms around Elvis and wept tears of joy, expressin
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