58 A Pleasant Goodbye

"We have to go on the offensive Helen" Leo said as he and Helen arrived back at the mansion.

"Offensive? They are attacking us from multiple fronts, how do we know which side to attack first?" Helen sighed as she plopped down into the sofa.

"We don't. We just hit the side which will hurt them the most and when they all come running we snuff them out at the root" Leo said as he poured the both of them a drink from the bottle of brandy on the table.

"Which side will hurt them the most then?" She asked as she collected the glass from him and downed it in one long sip.

"Who else? The stupid false god. If we take him down the rest of them will go down way easier.

"The false god? I thought we were going to go after Damon and co to get at him?" Helen asked in confusion.

"I know but I don't think we have the time to do that now. I'll try to find out it's location from Kyrian and see if I can stop it before any harm to anyone" Leo said as he pulled out his phone and began texting Kyrian.

"I d
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