Chapter 202 - Nostalgic
The police arrived swiftly, the flashing lights of their cars casting eerie shadows across the garden. Officers spilled out, moving with practised efficiency. They immediately began to secure the area, setting up additional barriers.

Detectives approached the body, taking photographs and collecting evidence. They meticulously examined the area, marking spots of interest and gathering samples. Meanwhile, other officers conducted brief interviews with witnesses, including the guests and the guards, taking notes on their statements.

Jason, Amelia, and Rieben looked on anxiously as the police conducted their investigations.

“Jason, things aren't looking good for you buddy” Reuben sighed.

“You think I don't know that,” Jason said, the words came out harsher than he intended.

Amelia and Reuben exchanged knowing glances, understanding how Jason was cracking under the pressure.

“It's okay Jason, You’re innocent and we’re going to make sure that you get out of this,” Amelia said.

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