Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four - Will you let me?

"Jason, don’t tell me you’re thinking of seeing her." Franklin said, his tone full of disbelief, “What do you want to do? Convince her to drop the charges.”

“It’s not a bad idea, Franklin. Our only other option is to prove Kent’s guilt, and that would take a long time,” Amelia defended.

"No, you two don’t know my grandmother. She’s ruthless; once she puts her mind to something, no one can change it, and she swore on my grandfather’s grave that she would put the person responsible for the failure of the company behind bars,” Kent explained. “When I went to see her and tell her everything that happened, she didn’t have a shred of sympathy for me. She even said I was lying about Kent’s involvement. She looked at me with pure hatred.”

“It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try,” Jason said

“What’s the harm in trying?” Amelia seconded.

Franklin groaned, “You two won’t take no for an answer, will you?”

"No, we won't,” Amelia replied immediately.

Franklin contemplated it. They had a point; technical
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