Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Five - What friends are for

“Of course, I will, Victoria,” Franklin replied, his gaze softening.

“Thank you,” Victoria said. She anxiously fiddled with the hem of her skirt and took a deep breath, composing herself. Then she began, “Do you remember Joshua Graham?".

Franklin furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowing slightly as he cast his mind back, searching through his memory for any trace of the name.

He snapped his fingers when he recalled the name: "Yes, I remember him. He was that investment banker. Wasn’t he the one who used to hang out with Roland?”

Victoria nodded. "Yes, that’s him.”

“He and Roland were good friends. When I started at the Elysian Syndicate, Roland and I were working on a project together, so naturally we spent a lot of time together. Joshua spent a lot of time with Roland, so he spent a lot of time with me too.”

“At first, I didn’t mind that Joshua was spending time with us; he was a charming guy and he was funny too, but then things started to get…strange.”

“It started with the messages. H
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