Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six - Taking it personal

Jason and Amelia had Connor drive them to the airport once they left the jail, and they took the first flight to Saranac Lake.

The two-hour flight went by quickly, and soon they were in a taxi on their way to Franklin’s grandmother's house.

As the taxi drove around Serene City, Jason gazed out the window, feeling an odd sense of nostalgia. He remembered the last time that he came here and the house that his mother grew up in. His chest tightened slightly.

With everything that had happened, he hadn’t thought much of his mother, but being in the place where she grew up made thoughts of her resurface in his mind.

He thought of how she probably walked the streets that they drove on and ate at the restaurants that they passed by.

"Jason,” Amelia called out, boring through his reverie.

"Yeah,” he mumbled.

“We’re here,” she said.

“Oh, sorry,” Jason said, running a hand around his hair. He paid the taxi driver and got out of the taxi, with Amelia following after him.

Franklin’s grandmother’s
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