Chapter One Hundred and Eighty - The New President of the Elysian Syndicate

Mr. Harrington walked to the head of the table and took his seat. Franklin looked at Mr. Harrington and then looked away, his heart pounding in his chest.

Kent glared at Franklin, giving him a warning look. Roland did the same to Victoria, who had broken into a cold sweat because of the tension.

Amelia caught the way that Kent looked at Franklin and shook her head, cupping her face in her hands.

As for Jason, he felt like there was no worry or anxiety left in him. He leaned back in his chair, getting comfortable.

“Okay, we will start voting from right to left. Jason, you’re first.“

“I vote for myself,” Jason said with confidence.

The next person to vote was Kent. “I vote for myself,” he declared with equal confidence.

So far, everything is going as expected. The next person to vote was Roland.

“I vote Kent." Roland wasted no time in expressing his vote.

It was now Victoria’s turn. Even though her gaze was fixed on her feet, she could feel Roland’s glare on her body; to her, it felt l
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