Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine - Let’s begin

After the stock report meeting ended, Amelia and Franklin followed Jason to his office.

“I just knew you had a plan; I never doubted you for a second,” Franklin beamed.

Amelia cocked a brow at him. "Yes, you did.”

Franklin’s cheeks flushed. "Well, then, thank goodness, I was wrong to do that,” he said cheerily.

Jason smiled. “I won’t lie; at one point, I even doubted myself.”

“Why didn’t you tell us that you did it on purpose?” Amelia said as she playfully shoved Jason’s shoulder.

“Wasn’t the surprise more exciting?” Jason retorted.

Amelia nodded. “You’re right, it was." She clapped her hands in joy. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you, Amelia, but let’s save the rest of our joy for after the election,” Jason said, his expression turning serious.

"Oh, come on, with the success of your investment and what you did at Prodigy Structures, I’m sure that you’ll win." As Amelia said, she didn’t look at Jason; instead, she fixed a probing gaze on Franklin. “Don’t you think so, Franklin?”

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