Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Eight - Calculated risk

Franklin and Mr. Harringron arrived at the Elysian Syndicate early that Friday morning. They were in Mr. Harrington’s office, sitting opposite each other.

“This is the document that formalises the transfer of ownership of my shares to you,” Franklin said, holding up an envelope with a document inside. He outstretched his hand, handing the envelope to Mr. Harrington.

Mr. Harringron breathed a sigh and hesitantly took the envelope from Franklin. “Franklin, are you sure about this?”

“Sir, if I wasn’t sure, then I wouldn't have formalised it. I’m positive that this is what’s best." Franklin said, his tone firm even though inside he felt like falling apart.

“And what if I don’t vote in your favour?” Mr. Harringron said.

“I know you’ll do what’s right. I don’t know where your sudden fondness for Kent spawned from, but you have to remember why you didn’t like him before,” Franklin sneered.

“It’s not that I didn’t like him; I just thought that he was greedy and ambitious, but he has proved me
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