Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two - Visit

"No, they can't do that,” Amelia exclaimed. She began to charge towards the officers, but Jason held her shoulder to stop her movement.

“Why are you holding me back? Can't you see that Franklin is getting arrested?” Amelia sneered.

“I know, but look at his face; he's accepting it.”

“Jason I can't believe what you're saying! You want us to leave him?” Amelia said her tone was mixed with disbelief and rage.

“For goodness sake, of course, not Amelia. But right now, we need to calm down until we know the whole story. Don't make a scene; we might make it worse for him.” Jason explained.

Amelia paused and thought of everything Jason said. She nodded slowly. “You're right,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She and Jason focused their gazes back on Franklin.

They cringed as they watched the officer snap the handcuffs onto Franklin’s wrists. Jason watched, a mix of emotions churning inside him. He wanted to shout and protest as much as Amelia did, but he had to hold himself back, an
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