Chapter 71: Nobody Threatens My Friends!

As Mercury stepped out of the car, she was startled to see a familiar figure waiting for her on the sidewalk. Her ex-boyfriend, Andrea Scott, stood leaning against his car, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her approach.

Mercury's heart sank at the sight of him, her mind reeling with a mix of emotions, she wondered what he was doing at her place and why he appeared suddenly out of nowhere. She hadn't seen Andrea since their messy breakup, and the sight of him now filled her with a sense of concern.

“Andrea?!” She called out with curiosity. “What are you doing here?” Her voice sharpened with anger demanded of him as she stopped in front of him.

Joe Cole watched a bit from the car and stepped out to draw closer. He was aware of her relationship with Andrea Scott, it was a trendy topic when they started and an even more trendy topic when they broke up. To every young person, it was a picture perfect relationship. A multimillionaire NBA superstar dating the daughter of the P
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